Neck pain is a common complaint among adults that can arise from a broad range of underlying causes. Traditional medicine targets neck pain with corticosteroid injections, anti-inflammatory drugs and narcotic pain medications, without attempting to correct the underlying mechanisms of pain. When medical interventions fail, surgery often becomes a last resort, with no guarantee of success.
At NYDNRehab, we take an integrative approach to neck pain, using advanced technologies to identify its true cause. Our holistic therapies aim to eradicate the source of your neck pain without drugs or surgery. We use high-resolution diagnostic ultrasonography on your first visit to precisely diagnose your condition, to ensure that your treatment protocol meets your specific needs.
Your cervical spine and neck work together to support your head and house the main conduits of your central nervous system, enabling messages to travel freely between your body and your brain. Neck pain may involve the muscles and soft tissues that support your head and control neck movement, or emanate from the cervical spine itself, and the nerve roots housed in your spinal canal.
Common causes of neck pain include:
Dr. Lev Kalika has devoted his life’s work to finding innovative solutions and cutting edge technologies for treating musculoskeletal pain and dysfunction. As clinical director of NYDNRehab, Dr. Kalika has treated hundreds of patients suffering from neck pain and other musculoskeletal pain conditions.
Dr. Kalika has published multiple peer-reviewed research articles based on his expertise in musculoskeletal ultrasonography and various advanced therapies and procedures. Dr. Kalika teams up with an orthobiologic injection specialist to provide ultrasound guidance for injection therapies and regenerative procedures, performed strategically at just the right time to promote tissue healing.
The NYDNRehab clinic features some of the most advanced technologies in the world for diagnosing and treating neck pain. Our personalized one-on-one approach and cutting-edge therapies set us apart as the clinic of choice for neck pain in NYC.
Neck pain almost always arises from issues located distal to the locus of pain. At NYDNRehab, we treat the whole patient, not just your symptoms. Your healing journey begins with a comprehensive exam using the highest resolution diagnostic ultrasonography. Dr. Kalika’s expertise in diagnostic ultrasound imaging is second to none in NYC.
NYDNRehab features research-grade ultrasound equipment with the highest resolution available in New York City. Our equipment gives us capabilities for sonoelastography to test for tendon stiffness, and superior microvascular imaging (SMI) to assess inflammation and detect vascular neogenesis.
High-resolution ultrasonography not only gives us a cutting-edge diagnostic tool – it is a game-changer when it comes to neck pain treatment. Most injuries involve multiple tissue types, and each demands its own therapeutic approach. Ultrasound imaging lets us differentiate between various tissues and structures to ensure that our needling and regenerative procedures hit their mark.
Ultrasound also provides a dynamic feedback tool for motor retraining. Injuries often disrupt optimal muscle coordination patterns when patients adopt compensation strategies to off-load injured tissues. Once the tissues have healed, it is necessary to restore neuromuscular pathways that govern motor unit firing patterns. Ultrasound gives the patient visual feedback, to restore optimal muscle activation patterns.
In addition, ultrasonography helps us track and confirm the effectiveness of our treatment protocols. Its capabilities for sonoelastography and superb microvascular imaging let us detect early signs of healing, and dynamic real-time imaging lets us measure progress as optimal mobility is restored.
Most people take everyday mobility for granted until an injury occurs or pain sets in. Sometimes pain and reduced mobility seem to arise out of nowhere, with no apparent cause of onset. Regardless of whether your pain is caused by trauma or by something less obvious, tensegrity plays a key role.
Tensegrity refers to tensile integrity – a state where a system of individual components is held together under continuous elastic tension. In the human body, tensegrity is created by the myofascial system, the network of muscles and fascia that work together to produce, control, and guide forces, and to hold the body’s various organs and structures in place during movement.
Tensegrity can be disrupted when myofascial tissues are injured or damaged in some way. When that happens, nerves and blood vessels can become entrapped, preventing them from gliding among other structures and producing pain. At the same time, the elastic tension that governs joint alignment and controls movement becomes compromised, creating motor deficits that undermine mobility and stability.
Factors that disrupt myofascial tensegrity include:Many doctors do not understand the crucial role of the myofascial system in preventing pain syndromes, movement disorders, and disease. In fact, most medical doctors have no idea how to correct myofascial dysfunction or even recognize it as a factor. They simply treat pain symptoms with medications and eventually recommend surgery.
At NYDNRehab, we understand that the body’s systems work together as an integrated whole, and that treating pain is not enough to eliminate its source. We use dynamic high-resolution ultrasound to explore the myofascial system in real time. Ultrasound imaging lets us visualize muscles, fascia, nerves and other structures in motion, to identify places where tensegrity has been disrupted.
Once we identify the problem, we use the most advanced therapeutic approaches to restore myofascial integrity and promote tissue healing.Ytn
Physical therapy is an important component of rehabilitation, but it does not provide a stand-alone solution. Prior to beginning physical therapy, we need to identify and treat complications that can undermine the effectiveness of physical therapy.
Issues that should be addressed prior to beginning physical therapy include:
Identifying and treating underlying issues prior to beginning physical therapy is key to getting fast and effective results. Failure to do so can completely undermine your treatment protocol, and in some cases your condition may even worsen.
The human body is made up of integrated parts and systems, designed to work in harmony. Today’s modern reductionist approach to medical treatment fails to acknowledge the integral relationship between structure and function, focusing on the locus of pain without considering its broader implications.
Most injuries involve multiple structures and tissue types, and pain is only a symptom that signals your brain to protect and heal the damaged tissues. It is not uncommon for an injury to stop hurting while damaged structures remain dysfunctional.
At NYDNRehab, our diagnostic process takes into account the interrelated nature of the body’s structures and systems, along with the unique anatomical characteristics of the individual patient. We use high resolution diagnostic ultrasound to visualize your injury dynamically, in real time, to determine whether structural (anatomical) changes are causing pain and dysfunction, or if dysfunction is causing structural changes.
Your ultrasound exam takes place on-site, on your first visit, where we examine multiple areas of the body in a single session – with no waiting for lab results!
The neck pain specialists at NYDNRehab take a holistic approach to diagnosis and treatment of neck pain. We understand that the human body is more than just a collection of isolated parts. It is an integrated and interactive ecosystem, and pain or dysfunction in one region can affect the entire body.
Our personalized one-on-one approach respects the unique characteristics of the individual and their condition. We never use cookie-cutter or one-size-fits-all protocols to treat neck pain and dysfunction. Our belief is that pain should be treated and resolved, not just managed. To that end, we conduct a thorough diagnostic exam based on symptoms, health history, evidence-based assessment and diagnostic ultrasonography.
Once we uncover the underlying mechanisms of your neck pain, we create a personalized treatment protocol, just for you. We use advanced technologies to collect quantifiable data that can be used to establish a baseline and measure your progress. It is our belief that what cannot be measured, cannot be effectively treated.
SoftWave is a groundbreaking regenerative mechanotransduction technology that accelerates tissue healing. Its patented electro-hydraulic applicator delivers high-speed soundwaves that can penetrate up to six inches in depth. SoftWave’s defocused and linear focused shockwaves recruit maximum stem cells to the treatment site to promote healing. SoftWave’s wider and deeper penetration using defocused energy is a preferred treatment option for a broad spectrum of conditions, ranging from orthopedic injuries to pelvic health. SoftWave is the only unfocused shockwave technology currently available. According to recent research, SoftWave defocused waves combined with focused and radial shockwaves have maximum regenerative potential.
MyACT is a new type of focused shockwave technology that allows for deeper compression of the focused waves. Its higher frequency allows for precise neuro modulation under ultrasound guidance, with a special linear head for treating myofascial pain. MyACT transforms the mechanical energy of shockwaves into biochemical signals that precisely target damaged tissues. Most injuries involve more than one tissue type. When used together, our advanced shockwave technologies enable us to specifically target multiple tissue types with the most effective shockwave treatment.
Focused ESWT is used as a regenerative treatment for damaged tendon, muscle and bone tissue. This technology produces high frequency sound waves to stimulate the body’s own reparative mechanisms. It is especially effective for chronic degenerative tendon disorders and myofascial pain syndrome.
EMTT transmits high energy magnetic pulses to targeted tissues that synchronize with the body’s own magnetic fields, triggering a regenerative response. EMTT waves can penetrate deep tissues to target difficult-to-reach tendons, muscles, bones and nerves.
EPAT, sometimes called defocused shock wave therapy, is not a true shockwave. It uses mechanical pressure waves to enhance blood circulation, improving oxygen and nutrient delivery to muscle and fascia tissues, but has minimal regenerative properties.The mechanical properties of EPAT make it especially effective for fascial manipulation in combination with focused shockwaves. We combine EPAT with different types of shockwaves for holistic treatment, without additional cost to the patient.
HEIT delivers high-intensity magnetic pulses to peripheral nerve tissues, to stimulate neuroplasticity. We leverage this FDA-approved methodology to treat pain and regenerate nerve fibers, for enhanced motor control.
INDIBA is a form of TECAR therapy that helps to restore the ionic charge of damaged cells, for faster injury healing and rehabilitation.
NESA generates a low-frequency electrical current of intermittent and cyclical stimuli that soothes hypersensitized nerves and restores optimal signaling between the autonomic nervous system and the brain. We leverage this FDA-approved methodology to treat pain and regenerate nerve fibers, to enhance motor control.
Injection therapies use orthobiologic solutions that stimulate cellular repair by either nourishing or irritating the targeted cells. Dr. Kalika teams up with an orthobiologic injection specialist, guiding needling procedures by ultrasound to ensure that the injected substances hit their mark, for maximum effectiveness.
PRP therapy uses a sample of the patient’s own whole blood, which is spun in a centrifuge to extract a high concentration of platelets. When injected into damaged tissues, PRP initiates tissue repair by releasing biologically active factors such as growth factors, cytokines, lysosomes and adhesion proteins. The injected solution stimulates the synthesis of new connective tissues and blood vessels. PRP can help to jump-start tendon healing in chronic injuries and accelerate repair in acute injuries.
Alpha 2 macroglobulin (A2M) is a naturally occurring blood plasma protein that acts as a carrier for numerous proteins and growth factors. As a protease inhibitor, A2M reduces inflammation in arthritic joints and helps to deactivate a variety of proteinases that typically degrade cartilage.
Prolotherapy uses a biologically neutral solution to irritate stubborn tissues, triggering the body’s innate healing mechanisms to grow new normal tendon, ligament and muscle fibers.
Neck pain often involves fascial tissue that has become densified and/or formed adhesions, entrapping nerves and blood vessels, causing pain and restricting movement. Hydrodissection is a procedure where a saline solution is injected into densified fascia under ultrasound guidance. The solution works by separating fascial layers and freeing up entrapped nerves and blood vessels. We often use hydrodissection in conjunction with manual fascial manipulation.
SM neuromuscular electrical stimulation (NMES) dynamically interacts with the patient during therapeutic exercises, providing real-time sensory, auditory and visual biofeedback to the patient. This breakthrough technology helps patients to recalibrate muscle actions, to optimize joint function. SMNMES has helped numerous patients to avoid unnecessary shoulder, knee and ankle surgeries, even in complex scenarios.
During PENS treatment, filament-thin needles are inserted through the skin into muscle tissue adjacent to the targeted nerve. A low frequency electrical current is then delivered via the inserted needles to stimulate the dysfunctional nerve. PENS normalizes nerve activity, improves brain plasticity and optimizes muscle recruitment patterns. This therapy is so effective that patients typically need only 4-6 treatment sessions.
ShowMotion is an objective tool for joint movement analysis that uses motion tracking sensors, placed on the patient’s skin to collect data about movement quality. The patient performs a series of joint-specific movements, and the data is analyzed by ShowMotion’s proprietary software and displayed on a computer screen. The collected information provides valuable insights about inefficient movement patterns, compensation patterns, and improvements in movement in response to therapy, enabling practitioners to personalize rehabilitation.
ShowMotion is similar to gait /running analysis, but for the neck, shoulder and scapular region. This cutting-edge technology can play a key role in postural restoration. ShowMotion can also contribute to athletic performance enhancement by measuring baseline joint kinematics and tracking the athlete’s progress in response to training.
At NYDNRehab, we treat the whole patient, not just your symptoms. We never use one-size-fits-all rehab protocols or antiquated recovery timelines. We believe that every injury is unique, and treatment should be based on a holistic approach that factors in the patient’s unique profile.
Once we have successfully pre-treated damaged tissues, we can begin one-on-one physical therapy to restore strength and stability, optimize mobility, and re-establish optimal neuromuscular pathways and muscle coordination patterns.