About Dr. Kalika

Our Awards

Dr. Lev Kalika has been working to revolutionize physical medicine, rehabilitation, sports medicine and athletic performance since 1998. Sports medicine and injury rehabilitation became a calling when playing sports in his teenage years. While qualifying to play for a professional soccer team in his hometown of Odessa, Dr.Kalika sustained a devastating injury to his ankle which ended his soccer career. He then moved on to bodybuilding, a passion of his brother who opened the first bodybuilding gym in Odessa, Ukraine.

Pain from the ankle injury persisted later in the US while Dr. Kalika was in medical school. When he was unable to get help from the medical community to resolve his ankle pain, he decided to switch career paths, from allopathic medicine to chiropractic. Dr. Kalika’s experience with his ankle injury became a key driver for his dedication to improving patient care.

Dr. Kalika graduated from chiropractic school, but at the time the discipline had a limited mindset, and Kalika intuitively knew that there was more to alternative medicine than what chiropractic had to offer. He consulted his uncle, a famous Soviet neurologist, who introduced him to the work of Lewit and Janda, and secured him a preceptorship at the Motol hospital with Dr. Karl Lewit.


Dr. Kalika learned the Czech language and moved to Prague to learn the European model of manual medicine while working at Motol hospital, side by side with world-renowned experts Dr. Vladimir Janda and Dr. Karl Lewit, who revolutionized the field of functional medicine. After two years, professor Lewit introduced Dr. Kalika to then rising star of the Prague school of Rehabilitation Dr. Pavel Kolar, the creator of DNS (Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization), a method widely used today, all over the world. Dr. Kolar served as physician to several of the world’s most elite athletes, including Roger Federer Jaromir Jagr, Novak Jokovic and many others. After studying with Kolar and certifying in DNS and Vojta therapy, Dr. Kalika returned to New York.

After 8 years of practice and learning multiple other manual and rehab methods, Dr.Kalika moved on to the field of sports medicine and biomechanics by studying with one of worlds leading experts in running medicine, gait analysis and sports rehabilitation, Dr. Christopher Powers of USC. Biomechanics, gait analysis and sports injury rehab became new passions because they allow for movement to be quantified and reassessed whenever needed. To Dr. Kalika, objectivity was the missing link in physical therapy and chiropractic.

Pursuing his passion, Dr. Kalika was able to secure a grant that helped pay for C.A.R.E.N (computer assisted rehabilitation environment), the most advanced biomechanical technology in the world. This technology is mostly found in research university labs and military rehab hospitals, and not available to the general public. C.A.R.E.N is a multi-sensory immersive environment consisting of a network of hardware and software. It is used for real-time motion analysis, testing and rehabilitation.

Around the same time, Dr. Kalika began performing ESWT (extracorporeal shockwave therapy), for which he was an early pioneer in the US. He went to study in Luxembourg with world-renowned orthopedist Marcu Gleitz, MD, who stressed the importance of understanding diagnostic musculoskeletal sonography to get the best results from ESWT. At that time, diagnostic musculoskeletal sonography was just emerging in the US , so Dr. Kalika went to study in Europe with renowned Russian radiologist Dr. Alexander Kinzersky, and the world’s best musculoskeletal ultrasound radiologist, Dr. Carlo Martinoli.


In the recent years, after conducting multiple research studies in the field of functional musculoskeletal ultrasonography and ultrasound guided dry needling, and contributing his expertise to multiple publications, Dr. Kalika is considered an international expert in integrative rehabilitation, sports medicine, injury prevention, athletic performance, and ultrasound guided dry needling. NYDNRehab is considered the most technologically advanced private clinic in the US. The clinic features a range of technologies available only in top research labs like Harvard and Mayo Clinic, making them available for patient care, not just research.

In 2019 Dr. Kalika was invited to speak at EPMA (European Society of Predictive, Preventive and Personalized Medicine) on the topic of urban rehab.


Dr.Kalika just coauthored in a new medical textbook, which is going to be published later this year in one of the worlds leading medical publication Springer-Verlag.


Сurrently Dr.Kalika is enrolled in Post Graduate University Degree of Expert in MusculoSkeletal Ultrasound By Barcelona University

Research at NYDNRehab

Spine Conferences 2018

Welcome to Sigma Xi

Dr. Kalika was recently inducted as a new member of Sigma Xi, the Scientific Research Honor Society, a world-wide cadre of distinguished and committed researchers. The induction serves as recognition of Dr. Kalika’s outstanding scholarly achievements and contributions to the advancement of knowledge in the field of rehabilitative medicine.

Sigma Xi is the world’s largest interdisciplinary scientific honor society, boasting such stellar figures as Albert Einstein, Linus Pauling, Sally Ride, and more than 200 Nobel laureates among its membership.

As a member of the Fascia Research Society, Dr. Kalika regularly attends events such as the Fascia Research Congress, held every few years in locations around the world. The most recent Congress was held in Montreal Canada, where experts in all things fascia convened to share, learn and network. Dr. Kalika was an avid participant, bringing his own unique perspective gleaned from his clinical practice. The important role of fascia in human movement has only become broadly recognized in the past decade or so. As always, Dr. Kalika is on the cutting edge of innovative therapies that restore the tensile integrity of fascia.

Presenting my research on the advantages of ultrasound guidance for shockwave therapy at the International Society for Medical Shockwave (ISMS) Congress in Amsterdam. 2024

Lev Kalika
Lev Kalika

Dr. Kalika’s recent research on dry needling to correct Genu Valgum (knock knees) was featured as an electronic poster exhibit at the 2024 European Society of Musculoskeletal Radiology (ESSR) Congress. Dr. Kalika’s reputation as an expert in musculoskeletal ultrasonography and ultrasound-guided procedures is gaining traction among his peers in the international scientific community.


This intense 3 day workshop was one of the best and most comprehensive shoulder courses i ever attended. It was about how to treat failed shoulder surgery, why shoulder surgeries fail, which shoulder surgeries to avoid and how to examine post surgical shoulder with diagnostic ultrasound as well as how to direct your rehab or regenerative procedures by ultrasound. The team was a collection of some of the worlds most renowned orthopedic shoulder surgeons as well as top regenerative medicine practitioners who specialize in shoulder and scapular dyskenisis

Lev Kalika
Lev Kalika

In January 2024, Dr. Kalika participated as an assistant in the cadaver course at Sonoanatomy XVI, held at the University of Barcelona, home to one of the most advanced anatomy dissection research labs in the world.
Many of the world’s premier sports medicine doctors hail from Spain, attracting elite athletes from across the English Premier League (EPL) seeking the world’s best sports injury rehab. The cadaver course featured Dr. Ingrid Moller, one of the world’s foremost anatomists.

Web of Science

Web of Science is an information and technology provider that supports over 95% of the world’s top research institutions, government entities and research agencies. Web of Science provides the global research community with tools and information it needs to generate trusted research data, foster scientific discovery, promote innovation and achieve economic success. Web of Science features multiple literature search databases designed to support scientific and scholarly research.

Dr, Kalika has been recognized by Web of Science for his contributions to medical research. His Researcher Profile is featured on the platform.

Dr. Kalika

Accurate gait assessment requires an in-depth understanding of the structure, function, and biomechanics of the lower extremities throughout the walking and running gait cycle. Dr. Kalika is always striving to enhance his knowledge and credentials, to offer patients the very best in personalized care, rehabilitation and performance enhancement.

The gait lab at NYDNRehab offers the most advanced technologies for assessing, correcting, and retraining walking and running gait, to optimize mobility for patients across a broad spectrum of needs. When combined with professional expertise, our gait lab is second to none in helping patients to walk and run without pain, and with a reduced risk of injury.

Level 2 Functional Gait Assessment is the latest addition to Dr. Kalika’s impressive array of professional certifications.

Dr. Kalika has been a pioneer in high-tech 3D gait analysis. Now, he has enhanced his credentials with a new certification as Functional Gait Specialist, applying the latest research in human gait mechanics.

Dr. Kalika has been a pioneer in high-tech 3D gait analysis
Dr. Kalika

Dr. Kalika’s ongoing dedication to personal and professional growth makes him stand out among his peers and competitors. HIs participation at the 2023 AAOM Annual Conference has served to enhance his knowledge, while providing an opportunity to share his own considerable expertise with conference attendees.

The vital role played by fascia in the integration of the various structures of the musculoskeletal system is one of the greatest discoveries of the 21st Century. Fascia research has become one of the hottest topics in musculoskeletal science, providing evidence-based information that connects the dots of previously poorly understood phenomena. We now know that fascia is one of the most significant pain generators in the human body, 5X greater than muscle tissue pain.

Dr.Kalika is one of the few practitioners who combines Stecco diagnostic methodology with high resolution ultrasonography, to get an accurate picture of fascia dysfunction. To restore the integrity of fascia and its capacity to glide, Dr. Kalika uses a combination of ultrasound guided injection therapy and ultrasound guided fascia hydro manipulation.

Dr.Kalika has completed all levels of Stecco Fascial Manipulation since 2021-2024


Dr. Kalika is a certified Youth Editorial Board Member for TMR Non-Drug Therapy, and also sits on the editorial committees of multiple scientific journals.


With prof. Pavel Kolar – the founder
of DNS therapy


With prof . Karel Lewit M.D the legend
of Manual Medicine and my most first mentor


Barcelona football medicine conference, Camp Nou.


DNS graduation with Karel Lewit and Pavel Kolar. Proud to be one of the first DNS practitioners in the US.


It’s great to breath the same air as the legend of musculoskeletal ultrasonography, Prof. Carlo Martinoli” – Dr. Lev Kalika at MUSoc 2017 – The 27th Annual Meeting of the Musculoskeletal Ultrasound Society.

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I have been a fan of this guy for years and he finally gave his first lecture in English, in London. Dr.Carles Pedret is a world-class medical consultant for muscle injuries in soccer players, tennis players and Olympic sprinters. He is called upon by EPl, Ligue One and LaLiga teams to asses when elite athletes like Messi , Ronaldo or Bale can safely return to the playing field after injury. Dr. Pedret reminds us that the most brilliant people are often the humblest. It was a great experience learning to combine MRI , ultrasonography and advanced functional technology to estimate and provide optimal treatment.

Dr.Carles Pedret and Lev Kalika

I constantly upgrade my knowledge by listening to 3 of the world’s best running medicine clinicians: Chris Powers PT PHD, Irene Davis PT PHD and Brian Hiderschide PT PHD.This was my third congress over last 10 years for treating running injuries and performing gait/running analysis


Musculoskeletal Ultrasound Conference – Tel Aviv 2017


I have been using nerve ultrasonography to diagnose peripheral neuropathy for the past six years. This is a relatively new skill that requires an expert-class ultrasound machine with superior imaging. My interest in nerve ultrasonography was sparked by work I was already doing with NCV/EMG testing and manual nerve work, using physiotherapeutic techniques such as neurodynamics and nerve manipulation therapy introduced by Jean-Pierre Barral. My 20 years of experience have shown that a lot of musculoskeletal orthopedic pain complaints are actually caused by underlying nerve pathology. To improve my diagnostic skills, I have been studying with professor Carlo Martinoli, MD, PHD, a world leader in nerve diagnostic ultrasonography.

Ankle sprains and their aftermath are often underrated by health care providers and the general public, yet ankle injuries are second only to ACL ruptures in severity, and are the most common musculoskeletal injury. Even the most minor ankle injury can alter your gait, changing the way you walk, run and move. At NYDNRehab, we use specialized technology to determine the severity of ankle sprains, and how they affect the entire body along the kinetic chain. We use objective data to measure the patient’s progress and determine when they can safely return to sports and other activities.

Lev Kalika

My greatest passion and one of the things that defines and differentiates my practice is superior diagnostic skills. I am proud to be the first DC to pass a six-hour exam in diagnostic musculoskeletal sonography in 2010. Since then, I have traveled all over the world to learn diagnostic musculoskeletal ultrasonography from the world’s best, including: Carlo Martinoli MD, PHD, Anna Vovchenko MD, Aleksander Kinzersky MD PHD, GULF COAST, MUSOC and many other courses and conventions.

My journey with biomechanics, gait analysis and running medicine began when i met Chris Powers PT PHD, who is the world’s most renowned researcher and therapist in the fields of running medicine, gait and running analysis, ACL rehabilitation, return to sports and injury prevention.


Proud to be the second American to represent EPMA in the field of sports medicine, injury prevention and rehabilitation. My speech addressed different approaches needed by patients in ultra-urban environments.

In Paris finally certified with Bernard Bricot -“ the king of Posture” . The missing link of eyes and jaw influence to posture is filled”


Proud to be the talk of professional athletes. Quincy Williams was referred by his brother, who plays for the NY Jets: “best place to go for professional athletes in NY.”

Despite 10 years of experience with instrumented gait analysis, attending multiple running medicine conferences, certification in clinical biomechanics, and personal experience with Chris Powers, I decided to undertake this additional certification to ensure that no single detail concerning the assessment and treatment of running injuries escapes me.


Diane is one of the world leaders in physical therapy research. She is well published (books, chapters and journal articles). Her combined clinical and education experience culminated in the co-development of The Integrated Systems Model for Disability & Pain (ISM).

It feels great to help athletes compete and recover. This time it’s Mohamed Elshorbagy, one of the world’s best squash players. Number 1 in 2014 and 2018.


Another Olympian, Dagmara Wozniak is a US Olympian fencer.

(ISPRM ( International Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine) , Orlando 2020 )


Pirates starting pitcher Neil Kozikowski


With Andrey Vleeming

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About the Author

Dr. Lev Kalika is a world-recognized expert in musculoskeletal ultrasonography, with 20+ years of clinical experience in advanced rehabilitative medicine. In addition to operating his clinical practice in Manhattan, he regularly publishes peer-reviewed research on ultrasound-guided therapies and procedures.

Dr. Kalika is an esteemed member of the International Society for Medical Shockwave Treatment ((SMST), and the only clinician in New York certified by the ISMST to perform extracorporeal shockwave therapy. He is also an active member of the American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine (AIUM), and has developed his own unique approach to dynamic functional and fascial ultrasonography.


In this instance, an athlete was originally diagnosed with minor quadriceps muscle strain and was treated for four weeks, with unsatisfactory results. When he came to our clinic, the muscle was not healing, and the patients’ muscle tissue had already begun to atrophy.

Upon examination using MSUS, we discovered that he had a full muscle thickness tear that had been overlooked by his previous provider. To mitigate damage and promote healing, surgery should have been performed immediately after the injury occurred. Because of misdiagnosis and inappropriate treatment, the patient now has permanent damage that cannot be corrected.

The most important advantage of Ultrasound over MRI imaging is its ability to zero in on the symptomatic region and obtain imaging, with active participation and feedback from the patient. Using dynamic MSUS, we can see what happens when patients contract their muscles, something that cannot be done with MRI. From a diagnostic perspective, this interaction is invaluable.

Dynamic ultrasonography examination demonstrating
the full thickness tear and already occurring muscle atrophy
due to misdiagnosis and not referring the patient
to proper diagnostic workup

Demonstration of how very small muscle defect is made and revealed
to be a complete tear with muscle contraction
under diagnostic sonography (not possible with MRI)


Complete tear of rectus femoris
with large hematoma (blood)


Separation of muscle ends due to tear elicited
on dynamic sonography examination

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