August 11, 2023
After incurring an injury, whether from sports, an auto address the underlying injury that is causing chronic issues. However, the field of acupuncture offers hope for both pain relief and long-term healing in those who have sustained injuries.
Acupuncture is a time-honored medical practice that has roots reaching back centuries into ancient, traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) and healing philosophies. Long maligned in the West as folk medicine, recent studies utilizing advanced imaging techniques have shown that acupuncture is a valid and effective field of medicine that causes tangible and observable changes in the human body.
During an acupuncture treatment, the practitioner assesses the patient’s history system points in the human body, hair-thin needles are inserted in these specific acupoints. Needle insertion provokes:
The field of acupuncture realizes that injuries cause trauma, and trauma in turn causes imbalances that negatively affect the healthful functioning of the human body. This pain and physiological trauma causes a blockage of energy, known in traditional Chinese medicine as qi, and disrupts healthful blood circulation. Another component of injury that traditional Western medicine often overlooks are the psychological facto play. A serious injury may cause:
The practice of acupuncture and the entire philosophy of traditional Chinese medicine focuses on reintegrating the harmonious functioning of the mind-body connection. TCM enables people who have suffered injuries to address their many nuanced roots of pain and inflammation.
Many traditional docto their recovery plan often experience the following positive changes:
Starting acupuncture treatment as soon as possible after an injury will yield the best results. This is a field of complementary medicine that carries almost no risk for serious or adverse side effects, so don’t hesitate to gain!