After a Marathon
Since there isn’t much published about proper recovery after running following these basic steps and suggestion will help you understand how important proper recovery after a race truly is.
- As soon as you cross the finish line and slow down your body will naturally go into feel clammy and chilly even if it is hot outside.
- Do not sto a sprint then a walk. Doing so will help the hear transition without damage. Walk for at least 10-15 minutes after a race
- Change into comfortable dry warm cloths as soon as possible
- Also make sure you change your shoes. Do not wear sandals or flip flops. It is imperative that th shoes you wear after a race do not cause your feet to swell and are supportive.
- Eat a small snack 30 – 60 minutes after a race. Do have a big meal after, as you will feel hungry later on.
- Wait about 24 hours or more before having a massage. Do not have deep massages. Just light massages will get the job done. And not damage any muscles
- Wait about 2-6 after a race before stretching. During that period of time the muscles will begin torecoup and you would greatly minimize any potential damage.
- Following our 3 week plan during your recovery phase will help you properly get back on track and help you be better for your next race.