August 11, 2023
It’s easy for someone who has never suffered from a sprained ankle to heal correctly.
While ankles might appear to stabilize your joints, any tear in them, whether it’s partial or complete, causes instability and is classified as an ankle sprain.
If a person is in good physical condition then the ankles are often strong enough to suffer a sprain: uneven pavements, a missed curb, a slight stumble while walking or a sudden pivot during a game of pickup basketball can cause ankle sprains.
People who do not exercise routinely (weekend athletes) are at risk for ankle sprains because their muscles are not used to seek treatment for an ankle sprain.
Sprains are classified by severity:
Signs of a sprained ankle include sudden pain, swelling and bruising, stiffness and warmth in the area, and the inability of that side to know which injury it is.
Proprioception is the word for the connection between the brain and the limb, and when an ankle is sprained, that important communicato the right muscles. Correcting this problem may take medical attention.
Sprained ankles can be extremely painful, and while taking anti-inflammatore the communication between brain and limb. Physical therapy treatments may include strengthening exercises, supportive braces and ultrasonic treatments.
Surgery may be needed for the most serious sprains in order tored.