Meditation is your way to a stress free lifestyle

June 22, 2017

Meditation had been around since ancient times, often as part of religious rites and spiritual belief systems. Broadly, it’s the practice where one slows down the mind and or induces a particular state of consciousness. It uses various techniques that help the practitioner develop positive qualities such as love, patience, compassion, generosity, and forgiveness, build up internal energy for their life force, and, ultimately, to relax.

Anyone can meditate. A particular religious belief is not required in order to reap some of the many benefits that meditation offers.

Meditate your way

Physical Benefits of Meditation:

  • Lower blood pressure
  • Reduced anxiety
  • Stronger immune system
  • Increased feel-good brain chemicals
  • Increased energy
  • Fewer tension-related aches and pains
Mental Benefits of Meditation:

  • Refreshed mind
  • Improved emotional stability
  • Greater capacity for happiness
  • Increased creativity
  • Growing intuition
  • Clarity and focus

Meditating regularly also can provide spiritual benefits to practitioners including a greater capacity for personal growth and change and an expanding consciousness and willingness to live in the present moment.

Practicing Meditation

You do not need an elaborately decorated altar or a special room to reap the benefits of meditation. In fact, beginners can start meditating by focusing on their breath.

Find a peaceful, quiet place

An environment conducive to meditating might be the corner of a bedroom, the middle of the kitchen after everyone else has left for the day, or your back porch. The important factor is that you will not be disturbed during your meditation period.

Get in the right posture

Sit down, relax your body but do not slouch, and rest your hands in your lap. Sit cross-legged if you comfortably can. Sitting in half lotus or full lotus position is not necessary. A small cushion might help you find the most comfortable sitting position. If you have back problems, you may also lay down to meditate. Just do not fall asleep before you have finished your meditation. Half-close your eyes, directing your soft gaze downward.

Concentrate on your breath

Begin to breathe slowly and deeply. Inhale through your nose, and exhale through your mouth. Let your thoughts flow through your head without holding onto any of them. If you feel your mind wandering, gently bring your consciousness back to your breath.

Tips for Meditating

It is fine to start by meditating five minutes each day. Gradually lengthen the sessions.
Guided meditations may help focus concentration and awareness.
Some people like to meditate with soft music playing or incense burning.
Use a timer to calculate when your session is over. The timer in your mobile phone will work fine.
As you become more experienced, you may wish to explore other meditation techniques.

Making Meditation Part of Your Life

Even the busiest individuals can find a few minutes during the day to meditate. And the benefits of even just five minutes of daily meditation are many. From proven physical benefits to a stronger emotional framework to enhanced spirituality, meditation can help you leave stress behind as well as enrich your life in many ways.

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About the Author

Dr. Lev Kalika is a world-recognized expert in musculoskeletal ultrasonography, with 20+ years of clinical experience in advanced rehabilitative medicine. In addition to operating his clinical practice in Manhattan, he regularly publishes peer-reviewed research on ultrasound-guided therapies and procedures.

Dr. Kalika is an esteemed member of the International Society for Medical Shockwave Treatment ((SMST), and the only clinician in New York certified by the ISMST to perform extracorporeal shockwave therapy. He is also an active member of the American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine (AIUM), and has developed his own unique approach to dynamic functional and fascial ultrasonography.


In this instance, an athlete was originally diagnosed with minor quadriceps muscle strain and was treated for four weeks, with unsatisfactory results. When he came to our clinic, the muscle was not healing, and the patients’ muscle tissue had already begun to atrophy.

Upon examination using MSUS, we discovered that he had a full muscle thickness tear that had been overlooked by his previous provider. To mitigate damage and promote healing, surgery should have been performed immediately after the injury occurred. Because of misdiagnosis and inappropriate treatment, the patient now has permanent damage that cannot be corrected.

The most important advantage of Ultrasound over MRI imaging is its ability to zero in on the symptomatic region and obtain imaging, with active participation and feedback from the patient. Using dynamic MSUS, we can see what happens when patients contract their muscles, something that cannot be done with MRI. From a diagnostic perspective, this interaction is invaluable.

Dynamic ultrasonography examination demonstrating
the full thickness tear and already occurring muscle atrophy
due to misdiagnosis and not referring the patient
to proper diagnostic workup

Demonstration of how very small muscle defect is made and revealed
to be a complete tear with muscle contraction
under diagnostic sonography (not possible with MRI)


Complete tear of rectus femoris
with large hematoma (blood)


Separation of muscle ends due to tear elicited
on dynamic sonography examination

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