The shoulder joint is the most flexible joint in the human body. It is made up of four muscles and five bone groups the function smoothly to eliminate pain and increase function.
Treating Shoulder Pain Problems
Shoulder pain problems are diagnosed using x-rays, MRI and CT scans. In some cases, oral anti-inflammato treat inflammation in the joint. In some cases, surgery may be needed.
New Methods of Treatment
New technologies are providing new methods of treatment for many types of muscle and joint injury. Dynamic neuromuscluar stabilization, or DNS, uses reflex stimulation and manually assisted exercise to help patients
Shoulder Pain Prevention Strategies
Keeping your shoulder joint healthy can be achieved by taking a number of proactive steps before strenuous activity:
Monito maintain normal shoulder position.
Maintain your overall health and fitness level.
Always do warm-up stretching exercises before engaging in activities that involve rigorous use of the shoulder joint. These exercises should be done for at least 30 seconds before activity.
Do exercises to prevent overuse injuries.
Do self myofascial release before the activity to the joint.
Incorporate exercises into ensure that all elements of the shoulder joint are kept in line during movement.
Alternate the use of arms and shoulders during lifting or physical activity to prevent repetitive injuries.
Avoid holding arms in an overhead position for work duties to prevent shoulder strain.
When using a backpack, ensure the pack has good support that centers on the back, not on the shoulders.
Avoid the use of alcohol or drugs before athletic activities to reduce the risk of injury.
Maintaining strong, healthy shoulder function is a process of preventive actions and monito determine the cause of the problem and your options for treatment.
In this instance, an athlete was originally diagnosed with minor quadriceps muscle strain and was treated for four weeks, with unsatisfactory results. When he came to our clinic, the muscle was not healing, and the patients’ muscle tissue had already begun to atrophy.
Upon examination using MSUS, we discovered that he had a full muscle thickness tear that had been overlooked by his previous provider. To mitigate damage and promote healing, surgery should have been performed immediately after the injury occurred. Because of misdiagnosis and inappropriate treatment, the patient now has permanent damage that cannot be corrected.
The most important advantage of Ultrasound over MRI imaging is its ability to zero in on the symptomatic region and obtain imaging, with active participation and feedback from the patient. Using dynamic MSUS, we can see what happens when patients contract their muscles, something that cannot be done with MRI. From a diagnostic perspective, this interaction is invaluable.
Dynamic ultrasonography examination demonstrating the full thickness tear and already occurring muscle atrophy due to misdiagnosis and not referring the patient to proper diagnostic workup
Demonstration of how very small muscle defect is made and revealed to be a complete tear with muscle contraction under diagnostic sonography (not possible with MRI)
Complete tear of rectus femoris with large hematoma (blood)
Separation of muscle ends due to tear elicited on dynamic sonography examination