January 2, 2019
Although the idea of giving yourself a massage may sound futile, it can actually be quite effective. You can often relieve myofascial trigger points by rubbing muscles in a suitable manner. These knots of muscle consist of sensitive clenched tissue that promotes stiffness and pain.
Many people find that they can safely relieve trigger point discomfort with great success. Although some problems may only be addressed by a massage expert, it makes sense to save time and money by handling minor ailments on your own. It’s possible to obtain quick relief without scheduling appointments or traveling.
Many trigger points don’t take much effort to relieve. People often only need to use tennis balls or their thumbs to massage away the pain. It’s usually much easier to eliminate discomfort that only affects a single portion of the body.
Nonetheless, it’s not entirely clear how trigger points self-massage techniques actually work. One theory is that the pain isn’t truly linked to a problem in the muscle. Rubbing only alters the sensation. On the other hand, it’s possible that massages purge waste substances or physically rearrange the tissue.
Scientists remain unable to explain exactly how a person can relieve myofascial trigger points by rubbing his or her muscles. It’s not even clear why these “knots” exist. Nevertheless, many people find relief by massaging the affected tissue. It only takes a little time and effort to give these techniques a try. The following tips can help:
1. Major knots may require six five-minute sessions each day. It can take up to seven days to experience significant results. On the other hand, a three-minute massage could relieve a very minor problem. Somewhat stubborn trigger points demand numerous brief sessions over a 48-hour period.
2. Don’t rub a muscle knot more than six times daily, and limit each session to five minutes. As in many situations, there’s the risk of giving your body “too much of a good thing.” Excessive rubbing may aggravate the condition.
3. Try using a variety of implements to see what works best. You can experiment with your elbow, fingers, fist or thumbs. Tennis balls often work well. Alternately, think about ordering a specialized tool for hard-to-reach parts of the body.
4. Rub the painful area until you discover sensitive places. Keep in mind that it isn’t always possible to feel the knots with your fingers. Although trigger points are usually located near the source of the discomfort, they can also exist elsewhere in the body. You may need to learn advanced techniques if simple methods don’t work.
5. Massage usually won’t produce any adverse effects. If it does, reduce the pressure and/or frequency. Keep in mind that you will probably be able to handle gradual increases in pressure. Otherwise, you may have a different medical problem that calls for professional diagnosis.
You’ll know that your efforts have succeeded if a muscle knot at least partially releases. The area may feel softer or less sensitive, but this doesn’t always happen. Results vary depending on the specific muscle type and other factors. Most importantly, pain ought to decrease less than 12 hours after you accomplish this.
Myofascial trigger points aren’t always easy to cure. They can sometimes be quite difficult to locate. If the above-mentioned tips don’t help, you might need to visit an expert or read a comprehensive book on the subject.