August 14, 2023
There are a variety of diseases and conditions that are not susceptible, or only partly responsive to traditional Western medicine. Millions of people throughout the world face this issue, and acupuncture may be a good alternative for them.
Acupuncture is a treatment that originated in China and has been practiced for thousands of years. It wasn’t until the mid to increase blood flow, and release natural painkillers.
This technique has been quite successful in treating pain related to particular conditions:
There are little to no side effects, contingent upon the acupuncturist performing this technique correctly. Potential risks include soreness, organ injury and infection. However, organ injury and infection can be prevented, provided the practitioner inserts the needle correctly and uses sterile needles.
As with any health care provider, it is prudent to suggest someone. Some insurances will pay for this treatment, so inquire if this is a covered benefit through your provider.
Initially, a patient will be assessed to twenty minutes, the needles are easily removed.
Studies, with regard to other treatments.