The DNS therapy method differs favorably from the conventional chiropractic in several ways. First, in the classic chiropractic the manipulation tends to be overly aggressive and can cause discomfort. The DNS method, instead, offers gentle, non-forceful, low velocity manipulation that is pleasant and absolutely safe. Unlike the conventional chiropractic, the DNS method does not regard manipulation as a cornerstone of its practice. Manual manipulation rather represents only one aspect of broad range of interventions that work in concert leading to fast long-lasting improvements in pain and function.
Secondly, the results achieved by the conventional chiropractic are short-lived and tend to dissipate when the therapy stops forcing patients to keep coming to the clinic over and over again. In contrast, the results of the DNS approach last for a long time due to the therapy™s focus on the central control and overall stability, and can be easily maintained by the patient at home by performing simple intuitive exercises.
And thirdly, the DNS therapy is applicable to the broad range of musculoskeletal and neurological disorders. The regular chiropractic on the other hand is only truly effective against simple back pain caused by misaligned vertebrae and can do more harm than good if applied to more complex structural pathologies like Sciatica or TMJ syndrome. DNS therefore represent a perfect alternative to conventional chiropractic even when dealing with classical back pain cases, let alone more complex structural pathologies where the effectiveness of the traditional chiropractic is highly limited.