Low Back Pain (LBP) has long reached epidemic proportions in the Western world. Acute LBP is one of the leading sympto health care and society.
It has been traditionally, although incorrectly, believed that acute LBP episodes resolve themselves within a relatively short period of time. This mistaken belief has led tor system conditions are in fact the ones called idiopathic (without an apparent cause) because no structural pathologies can be found.
An alternative had been suggested advising encouraging LBP patients with reassurance that there is no serious life-threatening disease involved and that the only sure road toring function. Implementation of this approach resulted in significant decrease in LBP chronicity and consequent disability in part by eliminating the psychological impact of pain on the nervous system.
Restor control of the Central Nervous System and not the biomechanics that should be addressed when formulating the treatment of LBP.
It must be also realized that by no means can people complaining of pain with non-identifiable origin be labeled malingerers, nor should their condition be identified as psychogenic. The somatic origin of their sympto poor treatment outcomes.
When treating the function it is important tor control programs react in a coordinated fashion. Even when mechanical changes are obvious and structural pathology is objectified, it is the disturbed function that should be the primary target of the treatment.
At Dynamic Neuromuscular Rehabilitation we engage a team of specialists covering wide spectrum of medical disciplines. They examine patients from various view points and arrive to our patients rapid recovery and lasting relief.