August 11, 2023
Locomotool as well as facilitating the movement of blood and other fluids throughout the body. It doesnt only influence other organs within the human body, but it is influenced by alteration of function or pathology of other organs in the human body. The maintenance of health of this system is paramount for ones well being and longevity.
The major elements of the locomotor system are: central and peripheral nervous system, muscles, bones, joints, ligaments, fascias and skin.
Structural pathology of the locomotous and muscular trauma resulting in permanent damage, paralysis and etcThese changes must be visible and objectified by radiographic means.
Functional pathology of the locomotor control the central nervous system. Changes in the function cannot be objectified by radiographic means, however are constant and proven by clinical examination.
Motor performance.
Motor programs.
Uprighting -An ability of the child to move up against the gravity.
Verticalization – The gradual transformation of an infant from completely horizontal positions to standing and walking. These positions include: head lift, elbow support, palm support, oblique sitting, sitting, crawling, standing, sided walking, and finally walking.
Manual medicine – This is relatively a new medical science of treatment of pain which mainly originates in within the spine and other parts of the locomotors and the osteopaths are in the foreground .In Russia it is a separate and distinct medical specialty. In other countries it is either done by orthopedist or physical medicine and rehabilitation specialist.
Deconditioning – Diminished ability or perceived ability to perform tasks involved in persons usual activities of daily living.
Developmental kinesiology – A science of studying functional maturation of muscles during postural togenesis.
Motor patterns.
Postural ontor component of central nervous system…It is a science of development of postural system during first year of childs life.
Deep muscles – These are muscles which are not under voluntary control. These muscles are mostly activated in orchestrated fashion together with other muscles which act in the stabilization process of the spine. These muscles are called intersegmental because they connect adjacent vertebras. They are: multifidus, intraspinalis, intratransversrii and transversospinales .They also function as dynamic ligaments of the spine.
The principle of joint centration – The position in which there is the most favorable distribution of pressure on the joint facets during every phase of motion, resulting maximum stability and load capacity. This depends exclusively on the normal development of the central nervous system.
Neutral position of spinal joints – Relates to the shape of spinal curvatures where neither lordotic nor kyphotic curves are exaggerated. This ensures that all spinal joins have maximal joint surface contact throughout any movement or static position. See joint centration above.
Reflex locomotion – Motor reaction occurring in well defined and coordinated manner throughout entire skeletal musculature as well as eye movements, swallowing process, bladder and bowel function and breathing.
The genetically predetermined authentic motor reaction is provoked by graded pressure applied on certain body parts which are called stimulation zones, with the patient placed in these specific positions and reproduced at any time.
Zones of support – Areas of the body which help the child togenesis. They are areas with a great number of attachment points of tendons and ligaments; hence they produce a strong proprioceptive input.
These are medial epicondyle at the elbows, the linea nuchae, the spina iliaca anterior superior and etc.
Co-activation – Synchronous activation of agonist and antagonist (cocontraction) in order to hold a position or resist against some external force .Unlike reciprocal activation which is a primitive reflex activity on the spinal cord level, co-activation is more complex activity realized above the brain stem.
Neuroplasticity – This is the brains ability to recognize itself by forming new connections. This interaction between the tissues, neurons, and chemicals of the brain is what molds the structure and function of the nervous system.
Agonist antagonist coactivation– Simultaneous activation of two opposing muscles around the joint. This results in increased stability of the joint.
Trigger points– Points of hyperirritability in the muscle which produce a characteristic pattern of referral unique to that muscle.
Functional muscle chains– Muscles which contract in predetermined sequences according tor programs.
Functional muscle synergies– The activation of muscles in appropriate sequence, timing, direction and force. These variables are organized as a ratio. They are flexible and soft wired, therefore could be influenced (reprogrammed) by the therapy.
Joint restriction (subluxation) – This is decreased or aberrant movement of the joint which changes mechanical regime of functioning of this joint, reflex changes in the nervous system and ultimately results in pain somewhere in the locomotor system.