Many runners are extremely unathletic. Sure, they can keep plugging along, but they are clumsy, fall easily and can’t manage to stay upright on a difficult cross-country trail. Many cannot sprint at full speed without flailing about and/or spraining something. Others are incapable of playing any kind of sport other than running. While many runners may think this lack of overall athletic ability is unimportant, it is actually a major reason why 50% of runners suffer injuries every single year.
It never even occurs to cover the ground.
A major skill that runners need to master before they can run with good form is balance. Being in balance throughout each stride means the spine is in alignment and the limbs are moving smoothly regardless of changing terrain underfoot and the motion of the arms and legs.
Proprioception is a fancy word to develop their proprioception skills.
The best way to learn balance and proprioception.
C.A.R.E.N offers a real-time virtual reality re-training experience. The individual stands, walks or runs on a platform that can move in all directions while viewing visual information on wrap-around screens. While the individual works on learning how to change in future attempts.
The virtual, simulated tasks presented to do in C.A.R.E.N. Even the clumsiest of runners can quickly master these important skills.
New York Dynamic Neuromuscular Rehabilitation is an industry leader in the use of C.A.R.E.N. Being the first clinic in the U.S. to help athletes prevent injuries and improve performance using a Computer Assisted Rehabilitation Environment.