January 30, 2024
Medial epicondylitis is a condition characterized by inflammation of the medial epicondyle, a bony bump on the inside of the elbow where several muscles merge offers treatment for medial epicondylitis and for a number of other elbow-related conditions.
Although medial epicondylitis is commonly known as “golfer’s elbow,” it is a condition that affects not only golfers but those engaged in other repetitive activities that overuse the muscles in the forearms. This may include chopping wood, throwing a javelin, carrying a heavy suitcase, or using a chainsaw. Because the flexor muscles that move the wrist to the bone of the elbow, which is also the point of maximum stress.
Risk factors that may increase a person’s chances of developing medial epicondylitis include weak muscles, poor playing technique, and improper equipment.
Medial epicondylitis treatment largely consists in reducing the effects of over-use and preventing the muscles from being overused in future. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatoms; so may cortisone injections. The relief provided by cortisone injections is typically longer-lasting.
A doctoк streng then the forearm muscles. A therapist may also use electrical stimulation for the purpose of healing the collagen.
NYDNRehab has years of experience treating lateral and medial epicondylitis. The success of our approach lies in the combination of the conventional methods described above with the most recent advances in technology. For example, we use extracorporeal shockwave therapy (ESWT), an approach that has gained widespread use in the last ten years because of its efficacy in curing a variety of different conditions. ESWT applies a set of high-frequency sound of waves to the site of elbow injury, stimulating the body’s self-repair mechanisms and triggering the healing process. This, in turn, renews circulation and lessens pain while regenerating damaged tendons. The relief felt from ESWT is immediate and longer-lasting than that obtainable from NSAIDs and cortisone injections; it’s one of the most effective methods currently on offer, and at NYDNRehab we have years of experience in doing it.