Plantar Fasciitis: Important Treatments for Those who Suffer

plantar fasciitis

While there is a wide range of sports related injuries, one of the most common relates to the fact that it is most common in people between 40 and 60, which is also the highest population demographic of the United States. At this age, people are still active, but their tendons and tissues are becoming worn.

Subcalcaneal pain syndrome, also known as plantar fasciitis, causes sharp pain in the heel while engaging the foot. This pain is caused by the plantar fascia becoming inflamed. This can be due to repetitive stress, overuse, overstretching, or bruising. Plantar fasciitis may also be associated with heel spurs, although having a heel spur does not make plantar fasciitis inevitable.

The plantar fascia is the mold that keeps the foot to motion.

Overall, the best treatment for this ailment is rest. This gives the fascia time

Risk Factors

There are many risk facto plantar fasciitis, both sports related and otherwise. Here are some plantar fasciitis causes.


Weight bearing down on the mechanics of the heel and foot is increasingly harmful as it rises. In addition to the added pressure of pounds on the body, inactivity can create a chemical damage in the band of the sole of the foot, which damages the area and increases pain. This chemical damage occurs when a strong vertical force is caused by being overweight, resulting in an increase of stress on the tissues of the foot.

Football players tend to often occur in football players.

While football players and other sports professionals do not have the option to help nonathletes in the treatment of plantar fasciitis.

Specific Sports

Sports requiring quick change of movement or a rapid change in direction are more likely to cause harm.

Pivoting and cutting directions in fast-paced sports like lacrosse, field hockey, and football put extra pressure under the arch of the foot and the heel than simple running. Plantar fasciitis in football players, for example, can occur when players use the ball of the foot to keep the foot balanced while playing these sports.

Wearing Cleats

Cleats have poor arch support and flat soles, which can contribute to consideration more than the attractive appearance of a product.

Athletes often find that tight cleats confine their feet, which may feel uncomfortable. This is important, however, tor in orthotic health is the volume and cushion of a shoe, which the cleat typically lacks. A good cleat comes with removable insoles, so the player can adjust them as needed for comfort.

Cleats are not designed to have more support.

Biomechanics and Warm Up

Without a proper warm up, a sudden acceleration or change in direction can stretch and damage the bands in the sole of the foot. Impacting the windlass mechanism in the foot at a high speed is a common maneuver for athletes, and should not be done without a warm up.

Preventing injuries such as plantar fasciitis is why professional athletes often spend long periods of time warming up before a game. Stretching muscles, keeping the body activated, and making sure the body is not stiff or tight plays a big role in reducing the occurrence of injuries. Stretching and warming up helps to participating in a sport is associated with better performance and a lower rate of injury.

Even a ten minute warm up of light running before playing sports to prevent injury.

Signs and Symptoms

While the cause of heel pain may be initially unknown, here are some signs and symptoms of plantar fasciitis that are common in both athletes and sedentary individuals.


Pain typically appears on the lower end of the heel. It is often the most intense during the first steps of the day or after a period of rest. After a long period of having no weight beared on the heel and then having a sudden change of stress, the pain is typically initiated.

Sharp pain may occur on the bot


The heel may also experience swelling. As the connective band in the foot becomes irritated and begins to the point that it is visible from the outside of the foot. This swelling with come and go with the level of activity being performed. Athletes with plantar fasciitis may notice their shoes become a bit tight if they do experience this swelling.

Treatment of Plantar Fasciitis

For most sufferers, this condition is able to proceed with a more aggressive treatment than when treating sedentary patients.

Athletes cannot always follow the recommended paradigm of plantar fasciitis treatment. This includes rest and limited activity, which is not feasible for athletes who are working at a high level. Additional strategies that are recommended for treatment may also be impossible for athletes, such as a decrease in the length of stride or a change of running pace. These may negatively affect performance.

Heel Spurs

Although many sufferers of plantar fasciitis also have bone spurs, these do not cause pain. Ten percent of the population has heel spurs, yet only 5% of people with bone spurs experience pain. Because spurs do not cause plantar fasciitis, it can be treated without removing the bone spur.


While anti-inflammato their activity in a short amount of time.

Alternative Treatment

Treatment needs to keep the body in shape.


There has also been a great success in using semi-rigid custo reduce pressure on the foot, such as deforming the nubs on cleats.

Adjustable orthoses are able to address the various demands that are required by various playing positions. This includes running direction, dominant leg, and symmetry issues. Low profile inserts can be fit comfortably, while allowing biomechanical corrections without negatively affecting performance in the constraints of a tight shoe.

Night Splint

A night splint can be worn to the foot and calf can hold the band of tissue in the foot and Achilles tendon in an elongated position while resting.

Also while at home, heel cord stretching is important to place the heel cord on a sustained stretch that remains static during rest.

Additional Help

Additional exercises and stretches may be done to the affected area.

Athletes tend to being in the rehabilitation training room for various healing exercises and often already have a relationship with a physical therapist.

While healing plantar fasciitis, it is important to always wear supportive footwear that is stable. Open-back shoes should be avoided, as well as sandals and flip flops. Any flat shoes with no foot support should be avoided.

Rehabilitation and Return to Normal Activity

The goal of rehabilitation is to endure more pressure without becoming damaged.

With a full rehabilitation, athletes are able to not re-injure this area.

Cold Therapy

Using ice massage during rehabilitation for up to apply the cold sensation.

Returning to Play

Before returning to not further in injury.

Be sure to play. Each training session should begin and end with a period of stretching. Stretches should be held for thirty seconds each and repeated at least five times.

Plantar fasciitis in sports will become increasingly prominent in the news as it continues to prevent this injury at every level of athleticism.

While average, sedentary people can take a modest approach to heal plantar fasciitis, as there are risks involved with the over treatment of the disorder that can end up causing longer-term consequences.

It is important to put additional pressure on the heel or foot are vital in the recovery of plantar fasciitis.


In this instance, an athlete was originally diagnosed with minor quadriceps muscle strain and was treated for four weeks, with unsatisfactory results. When he came to our clinic, the muscle was not healing, and the patients’ muscle tissue had already begun to atrophy.

Upon examination using MSUS, we discovered that he had a full muscle thickness tear that had been overlooked by his previous provider. To mitigate damage and promote healing, surgery should have been performed immediately after the injury occurred. Because of misdiagnosis and inappropriate treatment, the patient now has permanent damage that cannot be corrected.

The most important advantage of Ultrasound over MRI imaging is its ability to zero in on the symptomatic region and obtain imaging, with active participation and feedback from the patient. Using dynamic MSUS, we can see what happens when patients contract their muscles, something that cannot be done with MRI. From a diagnostic perspective, this interaction is invaluable.

Dynamic ultrasonography examination demonstrating
the full thickness tear and already occurring muscle atrophy
due to misdiagnosis and not referring the patient
to proper diagnostic workup

Demonstration of how very small muscle defect is made and revealed
to be a complete tear with muscle contraction
under diagnostic sonography (not possible with MRI)


Complete tear of rectus femoris
with large hematoma (blood)


Separation of muscle ends due to tear elicited
on dynamic sonography examination

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