Runner’s Clinic at NYDNRehab

Our State-of-the-Art Runner’s Clinic

Running is a great form of exercise, with numerous advantages for physical and mental health. For many, running provides an inexpensive and easily accessible way to manage weight, boost cardiovascular fitness and neutralize stress. But running subjects the body to powerful ground reaction forces that can potentially cause injury.

The high-tech runner’s lab at NYDNRehab uses a data-driven approach to analyze running gait in 3 dimensions, to identify mechanical deficits that can increase your risk of injury. Our state-of-the-art clinic features advanced technologies for accurate and effective gait retraining, to help you prevent injuries and improve performance. Our regenerative therapies speed up post-injury recovery, to get you back on the road ASAP.
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Why Running Gait Analysis is Not Enough to Diagnose Running Injuries

3D gait analysis using advanced technologies can give us valuable insights into biomechanical deficits in running gait, but gait analysis alone cannot give us a clear picture of running injuries. Running gait analysis only gives us data about joint angles, force loads, stride, foot pressure, muscle firing patterns, and other mechanical parameters.

To understand the type and extent of injured tissues, we use high resolution diagnostic ultrasonography in conjunction with gait analysis data. Dynamic real-time ultrasound lets us visualize damaged tissues in motion, to see how they impact and interact with other tissues and structures.

Accurate interpretation of ultrasound images requires extensive experience in clinical examination and an in-depth understanding of running pathologies. With over 20 years of experience in sports medicine, coupled with extensive training and research in musculoskeletal ultrasonography, Dr. Kalika has established himself as a leader in running gait analysis and injury treatment in NYC.

We conduct our gait analysis and ultrasound exam on-site at our clinic. Our cutting-edge technologies and regenerative therapies are designed to accelerate injury healing and correct mechanical gait deficits so you can get back on the road with confidence.

Dr. Lev Kalika

Clinical director & DC RMSK

About Human Movement Specialist Dr. Lev Kalika

Dr. Kalika has dedicated his life’s work to finding innovative and effective ways to treat and prevent injuries, movement disorders, and pain syndromes. With over 15 years of experience performing diagnostic ultrasonography in conjunction with 3D gait analysis, Dr. Kalika has gained extensive insight into common mechanical causes of running injuries. He has used his knowledge to develop one of the most advanced 3D running labs available in a private clinical setting.

NYDNRehab clinical director Dr. Lev Kalika is an internationally recognized expert in diagnostic ultrasound imaging, with multiple research papers to his credit. Dr. Kalika has studied with some of the world’s most prestigious experts in diagnostic ultrasonography, and has attended multiple international conferences on the topic.

Ultrasound imaging has multiple advantages over other imaging tools like MRI, Xray and CT scan. The musculoskeletal ultrasound equipment at NYDNRehab has the highest resolution available in NYC, for clarity in diagnosing injuries to muscles, tendons, nerves, bones and joints.

In 70% of cases, diagnostic ultrasonography gives us insight into whether structural damage is the cause of pain and dysfunction, or if it reflects compensation patterns developed due to other issues. To make our interpretation of running gait analysis data fully diagnostic, ultrasound helps us visualize both recent structural damage and older injuries that may no longer cause pain, but still contribute to inefficient movement patterns. Only by visualizing both old and new injuries can we create a truly effective treatment plan.

Dr. Kalika is an active member of the American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine (AIUM), and is currently developing his own unique approach to Dynamic Functional Ultrasonography.

What is Included in Your 3D Running

3D Kinematic Analysis

Three-dimensional kinematics measures joint angles at every phase of the running gait cycle, including angles in the transverse (rotational) plane where most running injuries occur.

Foot Pressure and Kinetics Analysis with the Zebris Instrumented Treadmill

Our Zebris instrumented treadmill is embedded with pressure sensors and specialized software to record kinetic forces and trace the foot's center of pressure (CoP) throughout the gait cycle. Any gait analysis is incomplete without this information.

Dynamic High Resolution Ultrasound Imaging

Our state-of-the-art ultrasound equipment lets us dynamically visualize your muscles and joints during running in both gray-scale and M-mode. Our customized probe holder gives us real-time images of your body's structures in motion. When matched with kinematic data, we get a clear picture of myofascial and intermuscular coordination, and we can estimate eccentric, concentric and isometric muscle actions.

Personalized Summary with Training Recommendations

Once we collect and analyze your data, you receive a 17-page report detailing your personalized 3D gait analysis, complete with training recommendations for improving your running performance. Your report includes personalized data on 3D kinematics, foot pressure analysis results, assessment of spatio-temporal running parameters – e.g. overstriding, vertical oscillation, strike patterns, cadence and stiffness.

NYDNRehab’s team of sports physical therapists and chiropractors have advanced training in running gait analysis and biomechanics. Our user-friendly STT software leverages AI to analyze collected data and categorize your running profile (overstriding, knee overdrive, etc.). Data from our foot pressure analysis gives us a window into the forces mediated by the inner foot during running.

UNOSO dynamic motion ultrasonography combined with our top-of-the-line high resolution Apollo ultrasound equipment let us visualize muscle action in real time as you run. No other gait analysis technology can visualize core muscle activation during running. We can position the UNOSO probe over a painful area such as the knee meniscus or shin to detect inefficient load transfer and loss of control. We can also detect injury or strain in a particular muscle, ligament or tendon, and identify fascial tears and densifications.

Data-Driven 3D Gait Analysis for Accurate Results

The Runner’s Clinic at NYDNRehab features research-grade technologies for measuring and quantifying running performance data. Our advanced motion ultrasonography capabilities let us view the body’s structures in real time, while the patient is running.

Real-time ultrasound imaging paired with objective data gives us an accurate baseline overview of running gait mechanics, allowing us to customize an effective and measurable protocol for personalized gait retraining. The specific configuration of our 3D running lab is based on the latest evidence-based motion analysis research.

Conventional 2D gait analysis is generally subjective, based on observations of running gait via amateur video. Even if you add objective factors like joint angles, and spatiotemporal parameters like speed, stride length, and phases of the gait cycle, you only get a superficial overview of the subject’s gait mechanics. And unless you have a treadmill with the capacity to measure force and pressure, you cannot accurately assess foot mechanics.

While conventional analysis may be useful for suggesting basic improvements in running gait, it does not reveal critical mechanical deficits that can undermine performance and lead to injury. In many cases, runners are given generic explanations for their pain, such as weak glutes, tight hip flexors, weak or tight calves, etc. However, exercises prescribed to target those muscles often fail to eliminate pain or render satisfactory improvements in running gait.

In 95% of runners who do not experience pain while running, simply looking at gait mechanics, even with the most sophisticated equipment, is not enough to get a full and accurate picture. It is only when we visualize how the body’s structures interact during running that we get a clear idea of how to make improvements. The running lab at NYDNRehab features diagnostic motion ultrasonography, a new technology that allows us to look at muscle and joint action in real time. With motion ultrasonography, we are able to sync 3D data with high-resolution imaging, to detect issues with muscles, tendons, fascia, ligaments and joints.

This unique combination of technologies helps us to confirm our findings from 3D running analysis data, to better understand gait anomalies and how to correct them. It also alerts us to old injuries that were never properly rehabilitated, that contribute to gait anomalies. With this knowledge in hand, we are able to provide you with a comprehensive treatment plan that addresses all factors that influence your gait mechanics.

Running-Specific Physical Therapy and Gait Retraining

Your 17-page gait analysis summary report includes recommendations for enhancing your running performance. Our team of running specialists is available to provide personalized running physical therapy, injury rehabilitation, and running gait retraining.

Our team can provide you with:
  • A personalized home exercise program
  • In-house physical therapy
  • Running retraining using high-tech equipment
  • Ultrasound guided PRP and Prolotherapy injections to treat injuries
  • Extracorporeal shockwave therapy
  • Ultrasound guided dry needling
  • Fascia manipulation
  • Nerve and fascial plane hydrodissection

ForceFrame Max


ForceFrame is a comprehensive system for accurately testing and training isometric strength in various muscle groups throughout the body. Most people – especially physically active people – develop muscle imbalances and compensation patterns over time that reduce movement efficiency.

ForceFrame lets us test individual muscle groups on both sides of the body for strength and symmetry. By testing individual muscle groups isometrically, we eliminate the potential for compensation of weak muscles that could be masked during compound exercise testing.

The results of each test appear as objective data on a screen in real time, helping us to identify and correct muscle imbalances, asymmetrical muscle strength, inefficient muscle firing patterns, and compensation patterns developed from past injuries. We then use that data to create personalized rehab programs, to boost performance and reduce injury risk.


Common Running Injuries
Associated with Gait Deficits

According to Yale Health, upwards of 50% of runners sustain injuries each year. And one study projected that up to 85% of novice runners experience a running injury while training for an event in any given year.

Many runners ignore seemingly minor injuries, continuing to run with bandaged knees and ankles, treating residual pain with OTC solutions and basic first aid. But failing to address minor injuries can lead to major problems down the road.

Most running injuries occur in the lower extremities and involve bones and connective tissues in the foot, ankle, knee and hip. Most are due to repetitive overuse and inefficient gait mechanics.

Common running injuries include:

  • IT band syndrome – the iliotibial (IT) band is a fibrous band of tissue that runs along the outside of your leg, connecting your gluteal muscles to the upper portion of the tibia (shin). It can become irritated and painful, especially when running downhill. IT band syndrome is associated with friction caused by weak gluteal muscles.
  • Patellofemoral pain syndrome (aka Runner’s Knee) – runner’s knee is characterized by chronic pain at the front of the knee and around the kneecap. It can be caused by repetitive overuse, misalignment of the kneecap due to muscle imbalances, poor foot mechanics, and other mechanical deficits in your running gait.
  • Shin Splints – pain along the shin bone is usually caused by overuse. It often arises when you change or intensify your training routine. Shin splints are also common among novice runners with poor technique.
  • Stress fractures – stress fractures are small bone fractures that usually run along the grain of the bone. They often occur in the tibia (shin bone) or in the metatarsal bones of the feet from repetitive pounding on hard surfaces. Poor gait mechanics can cause stress fractures by shifting force loads to structures that are not designed to handle them.
  • Plantar Fasciitis – the plantar fascia is a tough band of connective tissue at the bottom of your foot that connects your heel bone to your toes. During the gait cycle, the plantar fascia stretches and contracts, releasing elastic energy. Microtears and trigger points can arise from running that cause heel and foot pain. Because the plantar fascia has limited vascularity, plantar fasciitis can be slow to heal without intervention.
  • Achilles Tendinopathy – like the plantar fascia, your Achilles tendon stores and releases energy as it stretches and contracts during the gait cycle. The Achilles tendon can develop microtears, trigger points and ruptures from repetitive overuse. Tendons are avascular structures, meaning they heal slowly due to low blood supply. Early intervention can prevent long-term Achilles tendon degeneration.
  • Fascia densification and trigger points – fascia is a tough thin sheath of connective tissue that encases and connects muscles and organs throughout your body. Healthy fascia is elastic and slippery, enabling structures to stretch and glide as you move. Repetitive overuse can cause fascia to become dense and sticky, and lose its elastic properties. It can develop trigger points and adhesions that inhibit the free movement of nerves and blood vessels. Fascia manipulation therapy and trigger point therapy can help restore healthy fascia.

Ignoring running pain and injuries can lead to gradual degeneration of tissues and create compensation patterns that set you up for more serious injuries down the road. While pain and dysfunction in runners is not uncommon, it is neither normal nor necessary. Early holistic treatment is essential to prevent life-long problems that cause disability as you age.

Advanced Technologies Make All
the Difference

Our 3D motion analysis system gives us a broad range of quantitative data
about your running gait:


Our Zebris instrumented treadmill

analyzes pressure and force related to foot mechanics.


Joint kinematics

measures joint angles during specific phases of the gait cycle, along with the timing of movement in bilateral joints.



measures ground reaction forces and weight distribution.


Motion ultrasonography

is a new technology that lets us visualize muscle and joint action in real time. This helps us confirm our findings from gait analysis data.


Proprietary custom software

collects and interprets gait analysis data and produces a personalized report.

Our Helix 3D Run DNA System Takes Gait Analysis to New Levels

Gait analysis in three dimensions is a quantum leap forward in running analysis. In the past, gait analysis was mostly observational, and running gait could only be assessed in the frontal and sagittal planes. However, the majority of running injuries occur in the transverse plane — the third dimension that can only be assessed using advanced technologies.

The RunDNA system collects quantitative data that takes the guesswork out of gait analysis. Your personal running data is analyzed and presented to you in an easy-to-understand report that clearly pinpoints your running deficits. We then use that information to help you fine-tune your running performance.

Results from your 3D RunDNA gait analysis can help you:

  • Reduce pain and fatigue while running
  • Increase running speed with reduced effort
  • Get more mileage out of your running shoes
  • Reduce your risk of injury

Your RunDNA results can help you better understand how strength and flexibility affect your running gait. Your report helps us personalize a gait retraining program that puts you on the road to peak performance.

Watch this short video to learn more about
RunDNA 3D gait analysis:

Transformative Gait Retraining Prevents Injuries and Boosts Performance

Once we have a clear picture of your running gait mechanics, we create a personalized gait retraining program to help you perfect your running gait. We use your objective baseline data to target specific mechanical deficits and measure your progress. Our advanced technologies leverage VR and AI to provide intrinsic and extrinsic feedback, to help you zero in on your unique running mechanics.

By fine-tuning your running gait, you can expect to prolong your years of pain-free running, avoid common injuries, and reach new performance heights.


Our Regenerative Technologies
Accelerate Injury Rehab

Repetitive overuse injuries are common among runners, and early treatment is key to preventing more serious problems. NYDNRehab features a variety of advanced regenerative technologies that reduce pain and inflammation and speed up the healing process. Early intervention can prevent new and minor overuse injuries from becoming more serious conditions that keep you from running long-term.

Regenerative Therapies At NYDNRehab

SoftWave Electro-Hydraulic Shockwave Therapy

SoftWave Electro-Hydraulic Shockwave Therapy

SoftWave is a groundbreaking regenerative mechanotransduction technology that accelerates tissue healing. Its patented electro-hydraulic applicator delivers high-speed soundwaves that can penetrate up to six inches in depth. SoftWave’s defocused and linear focused shockwaves recruit maximum stem cells to the treatment site to promote healing. SoftWave’s wider and deeper penetration using defocused energy is a preferred treatment option for a broad spectrum of conditions, ranging from orthopedic injuries to pelvic health. SoftWave is the only unfocused shockwave technology currently available. According to recent research, SoftWave defocused waves combined with focused and radial shockwaves have maximum regenerative potential.

Myofascial Acoustic Compression Therapy (MyACT)

MyACT is a new type of focused shockwave technology that allows for deeper compression of the focused waves. Its higher frequency allows for precise neuro modulation under ultrasound guidance, with a special linear head for treating myofascial pain. MyACT transforms the mechanical energy of shockwaves into biochemical signals that precisely target damaged tissues. Most injuries involve more than one tissue type. When used together, our advanced shockwave technologies enable us to specifically target multiple tissue types with the most effective shockwave treatment.

Myofascial Acoustic Compression Therapy (MyACT)
Focused Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy (ESWT)

Focused Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy (ESWT)

Focused ESWT is used as a regenerative treatment for damaged tendon, muscle and bone tissue. This technology produces high frequency sound waves to stimulate the body’s own reparative mechanisms. It is especially effective for chronic degenerative tendon disorders and myofascial pain syndrome.

Extracorporeal Magnetic Transduction Therapy (EMTT)

EMTT transmits high energy magnetic pulses to targeted tissues that synchronize with the body’s own magnetic fields, triggering a regenerative response. EMTT waves can penetrate deep tissues to target difficult-to-reach tendons, muscles, bones and nerves.

Extracorporeal Magnetic Transduction Therapy (EMTT)
Extracorporeal Pulse Activation Technology (EPAT)

Extracorporeal Pulse Activation Technology (EPAT)

EPAT, sometimes called defocused shock wave therapy, is not a true shockwave. It uses mechanical pressure waves to enhance blood circulation, improving oxygen and nutrient delivery to muscle and fascia tissues, but has minimal regenerative properties.The mechanical properties of EPAT make it especially effective for fascial manipulation in combination with focused shockwaves. We combine EPAT with different types of shockwaves for holistic treatment, without additional cost to the patient.

High Energy Inductive Therapy (HEIT)

HEIT delivers high-intensity magnetic pulses to peripheral nerve tissues, to stimulate neuroplasticity. We leverage this FDA-approved methodology to treat pain and regenerate nerve fibers, for enhanced motor control.

High Energy Inductive Therapy (HEIT)
INDIBA Radiofrequency Therapy

INDIBA Radiofrequency Therapy

INDIBA is a form of TECAR therapy that helps to restore the ionic charge of damaged cells, for faster injury healing and rehabilitation.

NESA Neuromodulation Therapy

NESA generates a low-frequency electrical current of intermittent and cyclical stimuli that soothes hypersensitized nerves and restores optimal signaling between the autonomic nervous system and the brain. We leverage this FDA-approved methodology to treat pain and regenerate nerve fibers, to enhance motor control.

NESA Neuromodulation Therapy

We Guide Our Needling and Orthobiologic
Procedures with High-Resolution Ultrasound

Injection therapies use orthobiologic solutions that stimulate cellular repair by either nourishing or irritating the targeted cells. Guidance by ultrasound ensures that the injected substances hit their mark, for maximum effectiveness.

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP)

PRP therapy uses a sample of the patient’s own whole blood, which is spun in a centrifuge to extract a high concentration of platelets. When injected into damaged tissues, PRP initiates tissue repair by releasing biologically active factors such as growth factors, cytokines, lysosomes and adhesion proteins. The injected solution stimulates the synthesis of new connective tissues and blood vessels. PRP can help to jump-start tendon healing in chronic injuries and accelerate repair in acute injuries.

Alpha-2-Macroglobulin (A2M)

Alpha 2 macroglobulin (A2M) is a naturally occurring blood plasma protein that acts as a carrier for numerous proteins and growth factors. As a protease inhibitor, A2M reduces inflammation in arthritic joints and helps to deactivate a variety of proteinases that typically degrade cartilage.


Prolotherapy uses a biologically neutral solution to irritate stubborn tissues, triggering the body’s innate healing mechanisms to grow new normal tendon, ligament and muscle fibers.

Interfascial Plane and Nerve Hydrodissection

Running injuries often involve fascial tissue that has become densified and/or formed adhesions, entrapping nerves and blood vessels, causing pain and restricting movement. Hydrodissection is a procedure where a saline solution is injected into densified fascia under ultrasound guidance. The solution works by separating fascial layers and freeing up entrapped nerves and blood vessels. We often use hydrodissection in conjunction with manual fascial manipulation.

Ultrasound Guided Dry Needling

Myofascial trigger points often contribute to musculoskeletal pain and dysfunction. The dry needling procedure inserts filament-thin non-medicated needles into trigger points to evoke a twitch response, relaxing contracted fibers and immediately relieving pain. Ultrasound guidance eliminates the need for multiple insertions, reducing discomfort for the patient.

More Advanced Therapies at

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SM Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation (SMNMES)

SM neuromuscular electrical stimulation (NMES) dynamically interacts with the patient during therapeutic exercises, providing real-time sensory, auditory and visual biofeedback to the patient. This breakthrough technology helps patients to recalibrate muscle actions, to optimize joint function. SMNMES has helped numerous patients to avoid unnecessary shoulder, knee and ankle surgeries, even in complex scenarios.

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Ultrasound Guided Percutaneous Neuromodulation (PENS)

During PENS treatment, filament-thin needles are inserted through the skin into muscle tissue adjacent to the targeted nerve. A low frequency electrical current is then delivered via the inserted needles to stimulate the dysfunctional nerve. PENS normalizes nerve activity, improves brain plasticity and optimizes muscle recruitment patterns. This therapy is so effective that patients typically need only 4-6 treatment sessions.

Our Advanced Therapies and Technologies Produce Superior Results

Advancements in technology are changing the game in rehabilitative medicine, enabling us to accelerate healing and restore performance at an unprecedented pace. The clinic at NYDNRehab features some of the most advanced therapeutic equipment currently available, and rarely found in private clinics.

Your running physical therapy may involve the use of high-tech equipment:

C.A.R.E.N Computer Assisted Rehabilitation Environment

Originally developed to rehabilitate injured soldiers, this multifaceted system gives us a broad range of tools for assessment, feedback and performance enhancement. Dr. Kalka has integrated his own unique selection of technologies to optimize the ways in which C.A.R.E.N helps patients to achieve their goals.

Blood Flow Restriction Training (BFRT)

Rebuilding muscle strength while joints and connective tissues are still healing is a challenge for athletes who need to return to sport in the shortest time possible. BFRT enables you to increase muscle size and strength at much lower training volumes, to reduce stress on still-healing structures while rapidly restoring muscle performance.

Kineo Intelligent Load System

We use the Kineo intelligent loading system to create customized training and rehabilitation programs for our patients. With Kineo, we can customize variable load protocols for functional training, core training, agility drills and more. The Kineo variable resistance system lets us design a personalized variable load curve based on the needs of the individual patient.


Cold therapy has long been used for injury treatment and recovery from sports and exercise. Modern cryotherapy has replaced ice baths and ice packs with a dramatically faster and more convenient technology using nitrogen gas, directed via a specialized device to target injured tissues.

Get Personalized Gait Retraining Based on Quantitative Data

Before we get started on gait correction, we first need to prepare your muscles, joints and connective tissues, to ensure optimal results. We use dynamic high-resolution ultrasound to visualize your body’s structures in motion, to detect mobility issues that are invisible to the naked eye.

Pre-training therapy may involve:

  • Stecco fascial manipulation to treat densified fascia and adhesions
  • Rehabilitation of old injuries
  • Shockwave therapy to treat tendinopathies
  • Joint mobilization to restore functional range of motion
  • Needling therapies to promote joint healing
  • Nerve hydrodissection to normalize neural autonomic input
  • Physical therapy to correct posture, eliminate compensation patterns and restore coordinated muscle activation patterns
Once we optimize your tissues, we can begin to focus on the specific deficits and anomalies detailed in your gait analysis report. Gait retraining involves intrinsic and extrinsic feedback, and we continually measure your progress in comparison to your baseline data.

Who can Benefit from 3D Running
Gait Analysis?

  • Any runner experiencing pain or discomfort, during or after running
  • Runners who sense that their running “flow” has been disrupted
  • Novice runners who want to learn technique basics and avoid injury.
  • High school and college athletes who want to enhance performance.
  • Elite and competitive runners who want a tuneup, to maintain a competitive edge.
  • Masters-class runners who want to avoid injury and prolong their years of pain-free running.

Preventing Running Injuries

Despite advancements in shoe technology and massive amounts of available research on gait mechanics, injuries remain common among regular runners. According to Yale Medicine, 50 percent or more of runners get injured each year. Some injuries occur from trauma, but most are attributed to repetitive overuse.

Follow these guidelines to reduce your risk of running injuries:

  • Pace your training schedule to allow for ample recovery time
  • Do not ignore acute or persistent pain – seek early treatment
  • Do not run with joint pain
  • Replace your running shoes every 300-500 miles. For example, if you run 20 miles per week, you should replace your shoes every 4-6 months
  • Optimize your nutrition and sleep quality
  • Gradually introduce changes in running time, intensity and distance

Visit Our State-of-the-Art Runner’s Clinic in NYC

Whether you’re a novice runner or a seasoned competitor, you can dramatically reduce your risk of injuries and enhance your performance with a high-tech 3D gait analysis and gait retraining. The entire process is fun, affordable and educational, equipping you with the knowledge you need to enjoy pain-free running, now and in the years to come.

Contact NYDNRehab today to schedule your 3D running gait analysis, so you can safely hit the road with confidence.

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    Range of Available Unique Physical Therapy
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    Clinical Case Studies

    Case Study: Runner’s Pain

    Our Patient Our patient is a 33 year-old female runner complaining of hamstring and calf tightness, and posterior knee pain in both legs. The pain began in 2015, but she continued to run. The Challenge The patient had seen numerous running physical therapists and had undergone multiple gait analyses without any results. Five years prior […]

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    Case Study: Resolving Runner’s Knee Pain

    Our Patient Our patient is a very athletic 49 year-old female runner and triathlete who came to us for a 3D gait analysis. She complained of posterior-lateral knee pain, along with swelling at the back of her knee, medial to the locus of pain. She described the pain as going up and down during running. […]

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    3D Running Analysis FAQs

    I am out of shape and new to running. My goal is to lose weight and run a 5K this year. Should I wait until I get in better shape before investing in a 3D gait analysis?
    There is no time like the present to visit our Runner’s Clinic. We will set you up for success with valuable information about running technique, training approaches and injury prevention. Don’t wait to get injured before getting a running gait analysis.
    I had a serious ankle sprain last year but it no longer hurts and my ankle seems to be fine. Could it still affect my running gait?
    Just because an injury no longer hurts does not mean it is fully healed. Athletic injuries should be fully rehabilitated before you return to running. You may have developed compensation patterns that can dramatically affect your running gait and lead to future injuries.
    I am a collegiate track athlete but my best time is only mediocre. Can a 3D analysis give me a competitive edge?
    A 3D gait analysis can help identify motor deficits that slow you down. By fixing minor gait issues, you can significantly improve your athletic performance.
    I have been running marathons for years, but lately I have chronic knee and ankle pain. How can I benefit from a 3D gait analysis?
    Years of running can cause wear and tear on joints and soft tissues, and minor gait deficits can begin to amplify and cause pain. A 3D gait analysis can help you fine-tune your running technique, to eliminate pain and prolong your running career.
    I am training for a triathlon but I recently developed plantar fasciitis. Is there anything I can do to speed up healing?
    Plantar fasciitis responds well to shockwave therapy and ultrasound guided dry needling, eliminating pain and inflammation and dramatically accelerating the healing process.

    In this instance, an athlete was originally diagnosed with minor quadriceps muscle strain and was treated for four weeks, with unsatisfactory results. When he came to our clinic, the muscle was not healing, and the patients’ muscle tissue had already begun to atrophy.

    Upon examination using MSUS, we discovered that he had a full muscle thickness tear that had been overlooked by his previous provider. To mitigate damage and promote healing, surgery should have been performed immediately after the injury occurred. Because of misdiagnosis and inappropriate treatment, the patient now has permanent damage that cannot be corrected.

    The most important advantage of Ultrasound over MRI imaging is its ability to zero in on the symptomatic region and obtain imaging, with active participation and feedback from the patient. Using dynamic MSUS, we can see what happens when patients contract their muscles, something that cannot be done with MRI. From a diagnostic perspective, this interaction is invaluable.

    Dynamic ultrasonography examination demonstrating
    the full thickness tear and already occurring muscle atrophy
    due to misdiagnosis and not referring the patient
    to proper diagnostic workup

    Demonstration of how very small muscle defect is made and revealed
    to be a complete tear with muscle contraction
    under diagnostic sonography (not possible with MRI)


    Complete tear of rectus femoris
    with large hematoma (blood)


    Separation of muscle ends due to tear elicited
    on dynamic sonography examination

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