Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy (ESWT) is innovative biological, highly effective and non-invaisive treatment for many orthopedic disorders of muscle and tendon. ESWT treatment belongs to the new type of treatments call regenerative orthopedics.
ESWT therapy promotes self tissue healing( tissue regeneration) on a cellular level through activation of bodyies own healing responses on a cellular level.
ESWT has been used in medicine for nearly 30 years for fragmentation of kidney stones(lithotripsy).
ESWT new application called orthotripsy (treatment of diseased tendons with shockwave)has been used in Europe with much success for nearly 15 years. Recently with multiple new research investigations in the field of regenerative orthopedics and biological treatments different types of ESWT technologies are gaining polpularity in US.
ESWT uses sonic(acoustic) or mechanical energy to treat diseased tissues in musculoskeletal system.
In summation, acoustic waves that are transmitted through the surface of the skin are spread into the body and the body responds with increased metabolic activity around the area of the pain. This stimulates and accelerates the healing process and is especially useful for those suffering from chronic heel, shoulder, knee (patellar tendon), achilles, elbow and back pain.
The only possible side effect observed in 3% of population is mild bruising.
Many other conditions not listed above
It is a consensus of the worlds scientific community involved in ESWT research that ESWT SHOULD ONLY BE PERFORMED AFTER TISSUE IMAGING WITH DIAGNOSTIC ULTRASOUND OR MRI.
Targeted therapy with diagnostic ultrasoun is preferred.
The beneficial effects of ESWT are often experienced after only 4 treatments. Some patients report immediate pain relief after the treatment, although it can take up to be pain free and/or have significant pain reduction.
The safety and effectiveness of the ESWT procedure has not been determined on people with the following health conditions. Your docto perform the ESWT procedures.
Your medical professional localizes the pain region by IMAGING WITH ULTRASOUND. Coupling gel is then applied tor and moved over the pain region in a circular motion.
Treatment sessions take approximately 5-10 minutes depending on the disorder to be treated. Generally, 4 treatment sessions are necessary at weekly intervals.
You will receive posttreatment instructions from your physician to follow during your recovery.