New York Dynamic Neuromuscular Rehabilitation & Physical Therapy
Anxiety can cause problems if your anxious feelings are out of control. When you constantly feel anxious, these apprehensive feelings can influence you in negative ways. Your homework and job duties may suffer When you are tense, you may not perform as well in school or at work. In your personal life, worries may take […]
Read MoreAs technology in medicine continues to the treatment of this painful condition. Overview of Achilles Tendinopathy This condition is commonly understory process in similar injuries. This requires a unique treatment approach. Under some circumstances, it can also happen in sedentary individuals as a part of a chronic condition. The Achilles tendon will responds to normal […]
Read MoreResearchers believe that myofascial trigger points may cause some of the symptoms associated with plantar fasciitis. These trigger points are extremely irritable and have nodules that are palpable. They are found in tight muscle bands. Compression or provocation of the points cause pain, which may be noticeable in the referred pain zone. This zone is […]
Read MoreWhile its moniker may imply otherwise, tennis elbow is a painful affliction that commonly affects people who never play racket sports. The condition, known medically as lateral epicondylitis, is a repetitive movement injury that strikes the arm and elbow. Sufferers will experience a strong soreness in the outer forearm muscles next to the elbow. These […]
Read MoreAround one out of every nine U.S. citizens suffer from temporomandibular joint disorders. This medical problem can produce pain when you chew food or yawn. It often creates bothersome clicking noises. Many individuals find that it also results in jaw stiffness. Chewing is painful Yawning may also hurt Jaw pops or clicks Americans frequently visit […]
Read MoreHaving Achilles tendonitis is definitely a setback, but it’s not the end of the world. A few weeks’ worth of rest and physical therapy will get you right back in the game. The more you know about AT and how it occurs, the more likely you’ll be to take recovery seriously and prevent future injuries. […]
Read MoreThe shoulder is a multifaceted joint. It’s a grouping of bones, tendons and muscles. It’s one of the most mobile areas of the body. That means that it’s also one of the places in the body where you’re likely to feel pain. What Bones Make Up The Shoulder? The bones of the upper arm, shoulder […]
Read MoreWhen people have pinched nerves, it can cause them to experience debilitating pain. The pain that a person might feel will depend on which nerve is pinched. While many people are prescribed narcotic pain medications when they have pinched nerves, the medications do not treat the actual impingement and simply minimize the pain that people […]
Read MoreJuvenile osteochondritis dissecans can affect the knees of children and is especially problematic among youth athletes. This disorder involves a lesion that appears on the subchondral bone in the knee, and it affects between 15 and 29 children per 100,000. Boys are much likelier to develop the condition than are girls. Without proper assessment and […]
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