New York Dynamic Neuromuscular Rehabilitation & Physical Therapy
The human knee is a complex hinge joint made up of multiple structures, designed to withstand force loads many times the mass of the individual. But the knee’s complexity brings with it the potential for complicated injuries that are challenging to rehabilitate. One of the most common knee injuries is a meniscus tear — a […]
Read MoreFor decades, fibromyalgia has been a mystery disease for which scientists were unable to identify the root cause. But in recent years, research has given us greater understanding of the condition and its origins. We now know that fibromyalgia is a neuromuscular disorder caused by hyper-sensitized nerves that increase the excitability of central neurons and […]
Read MoreChronic pain arising anywhere in the pelvic region can have far-reaching repercussions that impact your health and undermine your quality of life. For many people, especially men, pelvic pain is embarrassing, and patients often put off seeking treatment for as long as possible. But ignoring your pelvic issues and delaying treatment can lead to further […]
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