New York Dynamic Neuromuscular Rehabilitation & Physical Therapy
If you have suffered from back or neck pain, you know just how debilitating the pain can be. There are many types of conditions that can cause this type of pain to occur. One common cause is a pinched nerve, which is characterized by a burning or numbing sensation. The following is an overview of […]
Read MoreBack in 1970, Dr. Kenzo Kase wanted to 140 percent of its own length. You can wear it in the shower, and it won’t trap in moisture and heat. This taping method has become so popular that medical professionals are using it for sports injuries. Taping Uses Anatomy and Biomechanics The tape gently lifts the […]
Read MoreNo one wants to combat pain. Rather than masking the feelings of discomfort, therapy works to the reason for the pain alleviates the need for medications. The Quick Fix Isn’t Always Best Everyone wants the fastest and easiest way ton on your alarm clock. While the extra few minutes in bed feels great, it doesn’t […]
Read MoreMany people talk about their back hurting. Back pain is a common reasons why people seek medical treatment. When it comes today’s life; your back takes a beating. What Causes Back Pain? There are numerous conditions that can cause discomfort in your back. You may hear the: terms muscle strain slipped or herniated disc narrowing […]
Read MoreIf you love to run, chances are you have suffered shin pain from time-to-time. Studies have shown that shin splints are the most common cause of lower leg pain in those who run regularly. However, this is not the only cause of shin pain which is why it is important to correctly identify the source […]
Read MoreShin splints is the term that is used to explain a pain that comes from the lower leg. A splint will either be on the inside or the outside of a person’s shin bone. Typically, a shin splint pain starts as a slight ache that the patient can’t pinpoint. It can usually be felt along […]
Read MoreAlthough the idea of giving yourself a massage may sound futile, it can actually be quite effective. You can often relieve myofascial trigger points by rubbing muscles in a suitable manner. These knots of muscle consist of sensitive clenched tissue that promotes stiffness and pain. Many people find that they can safely relieve trigger point […]
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