New York Dynamic Neuromuscular Rehabilitation & Physical Therapy
Abdominal diastasis, known clinically as diastasis recti abdominis, or DRA, is the separation that occurs along the midline of the rectus abdominis, or RA (the six-pack muscle) during and after pregnancy. As the fetus grows, the linea alba, the connective fascial tissue that binds the right and left halves of the RA, thins and stretches […]
Read MoreIf your six-pack is split down the middle after pregnancy or due to overtraining, you are no doubt willing to try anything to pull it back together. The Internet offers scores of solutions for resolving diastasis rectus abdominis, or DRA, ranging from tips on bracing and binding, to exercises designed to bridge the gap. However, […]
Read MoreWhen you sto withstand high force loads and produce its own forces. With so much knowledge of human anatood structures in the human body, and feet are only recently getting the attention they deserve from the human movement scientific community. The Foot’s Complex Design The foot is a complex structure whose functions are governed by […]
Read MoreWhether you are a new mom wanting a flatter tummy, a professional athlete seeking to a traditional regimen of core and abdominal exercises may in fact be undermining your efforts by creating undue pressure in your lower abdominal region. Hypopressive exercise is a unique approach to reduce pressure on your internal organs, and eliminate uterine […]
Read MorePeroneal Tendinopathy, also called peroneal tendinitis, is a relatively rare but painful tendon injury that results from damage and degeneration of a peroneal tendon in the foot. The condition is most often associated with running, but basketball players, dancers and other athletes in sports that involve jumping and landing are also prone to the condition. […]
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