New York Dynamic Neuromuscular Rehabilitation & Physical Therapy
Plantar fasciitis is an extremely painful condition, and it is also difficult tor may have a hard time understanding why the treatment options available are relatively limited. This brief summary can help people suffering from plantar fasciitis look at this problem from the point of view of the therapist. This can help patients evaluate alternative […]
Read MoreTrauma to the ACL (anterior cruciate ligament) is a common sports tear that can be debilitating and in some cases career-ending for people in professional sports. ACL is a key knee connective knot that joins the thigh bone to the shinbone. Risk for ACL injury is increased for some sports than for others. ACL ruptures […]
Read MoreThe average athlete has a much higher level of conditioning today than ever before. The minimum level of performance necessary for success is also higher than ever. The slightest nagging injury can make the difference between being a successful everyday player and riding the bench – or not having a job at all. Originally developed in […]
Read MoreBack pain is the most common disability for people under the age of 45. Moreover, this is estimated that four out of five people will experience some type of back pain over the course of their lives. Because this is such widespread problem, it`s important to identify, prevent and treat back pain.
Read MorePhysical therapy is a critical to providing effective mobility treatment options that usually do not involve drugs or surgery. Here are seven of the most common myths and corresponding facts about physical therapy.
Read MoreLower back pain is a condition that affects all human beings at one point of their lives. It mainly occurs in the lumbar region, which is the area below the ribcage. The discomfort associated with this medical condition is often intense. It may end on its own, or may require specialized treatment, more so if […]
Read MoreContinuous stress shortens and stiffens muscle-tendon units that connect ankles to calf muscles. Pressure placed on knee increases by 26% which leads to osteoporosis.
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