New York Dynamic Neuromuscular Rehabilitation & Physical Therapy
Regardless of your age, hip pain can be debilitating. The hip joint is one of the most complex joints in the body. It is also critical to get around successfully. There are many different things that can cause hip pain. The potential causes include strains, osteoarthritis, referred pain from other joints, inflamed bursa and femoroacetabular […]
Read MoreGeneral Information About Sports Injuries of the Shoulder Depending on the sport, an athlete may be at a high risk of suffering an injury to make overhead motions. Sports like American or Rugby rules football, Volleyball, and Tennis are all sports which may put continuous stress on the muscles in the shoulder region and cause […]
Read MoreShin splints are very common in both new and experienced runners. They can be caused by many different factors but luckily most people experience a full recovery after the proper shin splint treatment plan. Reactive Neuromuscular Training on Kineo Kineo – the most versatile muscle testing using artificial intelegence Kineo – the most versatile muscle […]
Read MoreDry needling is one of the many techniques used by physical therapists to as trigger point dry needling or intramuscular manual therapy. Trigger Points Trigger points were discovered by neuroanato other areas. Type of Needles Used The stainless steel needles that therapists use for the procedure are known as thin filiform needles, which appear similar […]
Read MoreTennis elbow is a condition that got its name due to something. Not every elbow pain is associated with tennis elbow, but it is a very real condition that needs medical attention. There are techniques that can be utilized that do not require surgical intervention. Tennis elbow treatment by Trigger Point Therapy To treat this […]
Read MoreNo matter who you are, you have no doubt experienced some type of pain or muscle discomfort. If you are unfortunate enough to live with cervical myofascial pain syndrome then this type of pain can be much worse for you and is a chronic type of disorder which may result in pain throughout different areas […]
Read MoreBack pain is an epidemic in major industrial nations across the globe. It is estimated that up 80 percent of all adults will suffer back pain at some point in time during their life. This problem can take its to the society in which they live as well. However, back pain in the sacral region, […]
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