New York Dynamic Neuromuscular Rehabilitation & Physical Therapy
Muscle soreness is common after exercise, an unexpected strain or even stress. But muscles that feel knotted and tight after to a wide range of conditions affecting all areas of the body. Myofascial Trigger Points Myofascial trigger points are irritated areas in tight or stressed bands of muscle. This irritated area can cause shortening of […]
Read MoreOne of the most common types of injuries that dedicates runners have to cure, severely hampering a workout routine or daily run regimen, the good news is that there are a number of effective treatments available. Achilles Tendonitis In order to reduce and eliminate the pain. As you may have learned in school, the achilles […]
Read MoreWhat exactly is Knee Osteoarthritis? The term osteoarthritis means inflammation of the joint and bones. This definition presents several problems. A diagnosis of osteoarthritis doesn’t actually explain what the cause of the joint pain is. Pain and inflammation occur as a reaction to ineffective treatment and a misunderstanding of the underlying cause. Does an osteoarthritis […]
Read MoreHerniated disk, more commonly known as slipped disk, is an extremely painful spinal condition usually affecting middle-aged people. It is also known as ‘bulging disk’, and occurs when sudden pressure is put on the spinal cord. What Happens During A Herniated Disk Our spine is made up of individual bones called vertebrae stacked on top […]
Read MoreAccording to be your weakness. The Achilles tendon can also be called the calcaneal tendon. This tendon is the strongest and largest tendon in the human body. Tendons are flexible and to allow proper movement. Although the Achilles tendon is strong, it is susceptible to two conditions: Achilles Tendinosis and Achilles Tendinitis. In many cases, […]
Read MoreOne of the most physically and mentally rewarding things an individual can do is complete a marathon. Whether you’re a running pro or amateur, training for and then competing in a marathon is a wonderful way to get in excellent shape and develop the mental discipline necessary to design and accomplish goals. Although there are […]
Read MoreKnee pain can be caused by osteoarthritis in the knee joints. It’s among the most common types of arthritis in the knees, and the odds of developing the condition rise quite a bit after someone turns 45. The Arthritis Foundation has found that around 27 million United States citizens or visitop of the list. While […]
Read MoreThere are various injuries related to the join. Sometimes this incident is accompanied by a tearing of the meniscus. The victim of this injury often reports a popping sound at the time of injury. The availability of rehabilitation centers that is efficient and easily accessible by the athletes with ACL ruptures will facilitate their quick […]
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