New York Dynamic Neuromuscular Rehabilitation & Physical Therapy
A sprained ankle is an injury that occurs as a result of the ankle being turned, twisted or rolled in an unnatural way that defies its normal range of movement. While many such ankle injuries are incurred from sports or exercise, many people can sustain a sprained ankle simply from stepping off of a curb […]
Read MoreIn order to maintaining good health. The maintenance of good health is also thought of in Chinese Medicine as the maintenance of balance in the body. The practices of acupuncture, Cupping and Chinese Herbs are all considered ways of promoting a healing process that returns the body toms began. The reason that many acupuncture visits […]
Read MoreScott Gomez understands the constant risk of injury associated with professional sports. Like many of his fellow athletes, he also understands that acupuncture is a viable alternative to conventional medical techniques in treating these injuries. Currently a center with the St. Louis Blues hockey team, Gomez was with the New York Rangers when he suffered […]
Read MoreBack pain is one of the commonly experienced chronic pain conditions in the U.S. It can range in severity, being anywhere from merely uncomfortable to absolutely debilitating. Common conditions that can cause pain in the back include: Sciatica Muscle strains Disc problems Pinched nerves Most people just grin and bear the pain, believing that there […]
Read MoreAfter decades of treating veterans suffering chronic pain from combat and service connected disabilities, the military has finally embraced alternative medicine and it is working! Although the verdict is out on whether acupuncture for pain relief will replace traditional medicine, the Department of Veterans Affairs is investing personnel and patience to wean veterans off of […]
Read MoreFor millions of Americans, every day can be a struggle against chronic and nearly debilitating back pain. Many conventional medical treatments, such as pain relievers or trigger point injections, carry a whole host of adverse risks and side effect. Some people may resort to heal the spine from its injuries. Chiropractic Care and Spinal Manipulation […]
Read MoreRunning is a great workout, and of course, it can bring with it the joyful “runner’s high” that so many athletes prize. The problem is that many runners also must deal with a host of injuries, from sore muscles, the common “runner’s knee” and an assortment of hip and ankle injuries. What’s a runner to […]
Read MoreAfter incurring an injury, whether from sports, an auto address the underlying injury that is causing chronic issues. However, the field of acupuncture offers hope for both pain relief and long-term healing in those who have sustained injuries. How Does Acupuncture Work? Acupuncture is a time-honored medical practice that has roots reaching back centuries into […]
Read MoreAnyone who has ever watched the cyclists in the Tour De France competition has to wonder how these elite athletes do what they do. This cycling competition requires that the athletes race up and down through the beautiful French mountainsides and somehow keep up with all the other competitors who are pushing themselves beyond endurance. […]
Read MoreAll across the United States, millions of people suffer from chronic and sometimes debilitating illnesses. While modern medicine can control the sympto swallow. Some of the most commonly diagnosed illness in the country include: Heart disease Diabetes Chronic pain conditions, such as fibromyalgia Cancer Arthritis As advanced as we are technologically in the field of […]
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