New York Dynamic Neuromuscular Rehabilitation & Physical Therapy
Acute or chronic pain in the adductor and/or groin region Pain may also be felt in the lower abdomen Symptoms may be complex Symptoms decrease after warmup but increase with prolonged activity Impaired performance
Read MoreJust as your skin surrounds and supports your entire body, your fascia provides a second system of support, forming a web of tissue that encompasses your muscles, connective tissue, bones, nerves, blood vessels, and visceral organs, right down to the cellular level. Healthy fascia is supple and elastic, providing support without restricting the underlying structures. […]
Read MoreACL Basics A common and debilitating knee injury is a tear of the Anterior Cruciate Ligament, or ACL. This important structure holds the tibia bone of the shin in place, preventing it from shifting forward. during movement. The ACL is responsible for roughly 90 percent of knee stability in adults. Because to sustain an ACL […]
Read MoreIn relatively close past people with flat feet were considered unfitting to the rows of military recruits, ballet dancers, athletes and more. Upon recent medical research and documented success stories of all sorts of professionals with flat feet – it has been accepted to consider this “verdict” largely baseless. The statistics numbers on people who […]
Read MoreDiastasis Rectus Abdominis (DRA) is a widening of the gap between the two sides of the rectus abdominis muscle (RA) during and after pregnancy. The RA is the long muscle running from the rib cage to the pelvis that forms the coveted “six pack” that so many fitness enthusiasts strive for. The two sides of […]
Read MoreImaging technology for musculoskeletal injuries has been a game changer for practitioners whose treatment approaches depend on being able to reveal the locus and nature of damaged tissue. Ultrasonography has been available for several decades as well, but early iterations of the technology provided unclear images that needed to be confirmed with MRI. However, recent […]
Read MoreAbdominal diastasis, known clinically as diastasis recti abdominis, or DRA, is the separation that occurs along the midline of the rectus abdominis, or RA (the six-pack muscle) during and after pregnancy. As the fetus grows, the linea alba, the connective fascial tissue that binds the right and left halves of the RA, thins and stretches […]
Read MoreIf your six-pack is split down the middle after pregnancy or due to overtraining, you are no doubt willing to try anything to pull it back together. The Internet offers scores of solutions for resolving diastasis rectus abdominis, or DRA, ranging from tips on bracing and binding, to exercises designed to bridge the gap. However, […]
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