New York Dynamic Neuromuscular Rehabilitation & Physical Therapy
The conveniences of technology in the modern era are causing unprecedented health problems for thousands of consumers around the world. Text neck, or neck pain caused by looking down at a cell phone screen for too long, is affecting people in unprecedented numbers. Chronic suffering from this condition even has a name: text neck syndrome. […]
Read MoreTMJ is just the abbreviation for the temporomandibular joint. This joint connects your jaw to the temporal bones in your skull. Actually, if you put your fingers in the center of your ears, you could feel this joint while opening and closing your mouth. Unfortunately, this little joint causes a great deal of orofacial pain […]
Read MoreThere is nothing worse than having foot pain. It makes walking unbearable, and wearing a shoe may not even be an option to pressure points all over the body. Each pressure point coincides with a part of the body. By stimulating these areas, the body promotes healing. It sounds crazy, but it is sweeping that […]
Read MoreWhat is the TMJ? The temporomandibular joint, also known as the TMJ, joins your jaw to your skull. Try feeling it; it lies just in front of your ear hole. There are many causes for tmj disorder, some of which are poor posture, growth disorder, bad habits, inflammation, or injury. The lower jaw bone, called […]
Read MoreIf you are suffering from chronic sciatica pain, you may find that gentle exercise and stretch on a daily basis can help to the back of the legs. Sciatica pain may be accompanied by sensations of tinging, numbness or weakness. It is often associated with an underlying medical condition, such as a lumbar herniated disc […]
Read MoreOver two-thirds of hurting ACL’s are caused by not contacting bodily parts. They are caused by not controlling movement, sudden stoppage, erratic change of movement, and jumping in a poor position
Read MoreThe short and simple answer is, yes. The fact is that it is so little is known about frozen shoulder syndrome that it is safe to say this shoulder joint condition can happen to anyone. Frozen shoulder or adhesive capsulitis is a condition in which the tissue around the shoulder joint stiffen causing limited movement […]
Read MorePain in the foot can be debilitating to everyday life. The more severe the pain, the more difficult it is to complete simple tasks. There are numerous exercises that assist with alleviating the pain from Plantar Fasciitis. What is Plantar Fasciitis? In essence, Plantar Fasciitis is pain that resides in the heel portion of the […]
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