New York Dynamic Neuromuscular Rehabilitation & Physical Therapy
A compromised sense of balance and resulting falls are key concerns for patients with multiple sclerosis (MS). Past balance-control strategies have relied on tasks coordinating motor skills with sensory input, Feldenkrais moves and stretching exercises. However, a six-week pilot study published in the Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation applied virtual reality (VR) gaming technology to […]
Read MoreAn injury to the anterior cruciate ligament, or ACL, can be debilitating to athletes from all disciplines. This is a serious injury that can ruin your career, and many athletes have a valid fear of this particular sports injury. It is also relatively common in many competitive sports, which only increases the sense of dread […]
Read MoreWould you like to run long distances without the harmful effects of pounding your feet against a hard surface? You can accomplish this by using an anti-gravity treadmill. This equipment features sophisticated NASA technology that minimizes the negative aspects of running and promotes rapid rehabilitation. Advantages The treadmill lets you run in a completely natural […]
Read MoreManual medicine is one of many physical therapy techniques used to treat muscle spasms and joint dysfunctions, those that use manual therapy often use those methods in conjunction with manual rehabilitation efforts. Manual Physical Therapy This type of therapy is one that involves practitioners using their hands instead of a machine or other device to […]
Read MoreClinical research gives us the best possible information about how best to treat individual patients. What Research Is Appropriate for Evidence-Based Medicine? Evidence-based medicine requires published, peer-reviewed research that doctors of treatment plans can evaluate and verify. Ideally, the authors of the research should support their findings with randomized clinical trials. Trials generally provide ample […]
Read MoreWhen an athlete’s hamstring becomes injured, the individual will experience tightness that significantly restricts the person’s movements and severe pain that occurs while the muscles contract. The person may choose a rehabilitation program that requires eccentric training, or the athlete can participate in a program that strengthens the muscles of the core and enhances the […]
Read MoreIf you have a problem with pain in your back, you may have been to improve stability around the midsection. However, this advice may not be as helpful as it sounds. Examining the Core of the Problem Where did the idea of a weak core causing pain in your back come from? Eyal Lederman examined […]
Read MoreNumerous people suffer from a health problem known as “frozen shoulder“ or adhesive capsulitis. This condition inflicts substantial amounts of pain and makes it harder to move joints. Fortunately, a recent study reveals that extracorporeal shockwave therapy can deliver relief. The ailment makes it difficult to work or exercise Patients frequently experience considerable discomfort Hard […]
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